Author Topic: Do I need to find something for England to do?  (Read 938 times)

Offline -lynx-

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Do I need to find something for England to do?
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2001, 04:46:00 AM »
Come on Lynx!!! I don't see Germany and France in some economic quagmire, which is what you seem to be implying. Despite the Euro's difficulties, they are doing fine.
I work with the French - enough said .

but if you think the News of the World is an example of journalistic excellence, then there is no hope for you.
Hehe, don't have time to read newspapers, can't really say what's "journalistic" excellence is but personally don't have much respect for the profession. Very close to the oldest profession they are (IMHO).  
The ERM debarcle might have something to do with the ineptitude of the Tories, not the system we were in. It was Norman 'Ormal' Lamont who decided to use up our gold reserves on shoring up Sterling.
Aren't we quick to point accusing fingers? Norman didn't decide on anything - the UK was a part of Euro ERM and had to maintain Sterling exchange rate... Not that he was a particularly good Chancellor but lets deal with the facts not Labour propaganda, OK?
I don't mean to offend and correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it you aren't actually British?
None taken - I have no idea how it was under the Tories but under Mr Blair the passport office take 6 months before they even look at an application... And then some... Unless you dump a few millions into some "worthy" cause that is .
Who you voting for in June, Lynx? (Image removed from quote.)
Can't - not yet, anyway Wouldn't be conservatives, they've lost the plot .

Offline Dowding

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Do I need to find something for England to do?
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2001, 08:21:00 AM »
Welcome aboard the good ship Great Britain, Lynx!   Frankly, as long people pay their taxes and obey our laws, I don't care who gets a passport. Within reason of course.  

I won't vote for the Conservatives until they kill off the old guard. Portillo included. Hague comes from my area and was a kid at my old school (Wath Comprehensive School in South Yorkshire). He handed me my A-Level certificates and I've never liked him. It would be nice if they could come up with a few policies from time to time, rather than hitching to the nearest band-wagon.

Labour won't get my vote because they are a little too conservative these days. Overall they have done a better job than the Tories, but New Labour's style of government doesn't sit very well with me. Too authoritarian.

Looks like I'll be voting for the Liberal Democrats again.   Not a chance of getting in, but at least they have some vision.

I'll vote for labour if it keeps the Tories out, though.
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Offline Kratzer

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Do I need to find something for England to do?
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2001, 08:46:00 AM »
See! I told you they needed something to do!  Keep it up!


Offline Azrael

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Do I need to find something for England to do?
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2001, 09:14:00 AM »
Actually, the Euro is the standard currency for quite some time now since Jan 1., 1999. We're just still using the old coins and notes. World didn't fall apart either  

And exchanging the currency... Well I lived 35 years with DM, notes where changed about 10 years ago so we already went through a change, and I like the new 2-coloured 1€ and 2€ coins  


Also, each of the 8 € coins will have a country-dependant back side, making a total of 96 different coins. (Not that much backsides actually, germany will have 3 different symbols on backside, oak branch for 1c 2c and 5c coins, Brandenburg Gate on 10c, 20c and 50c coins, German Eagle on 1€ and 2€ coins. See  for the different coins and backsides). Will make an interesting mixture after some time.

The most problematic thing is that there will be 2 months where both currencies are legal, and have to be accepted in trade; thereby burdening the small trade with the exchange problem.


[This message has been edited by azrael (edited 04-11-2001).]