Author Topic: Newbie Speaks Again  (Read 298 times)

Offline Sloehand

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Newbie Speaks Again
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:57:59 PM »
Don't know how long you have to be playing AH2 to not be a newbie, but I've been through several releases and fix updates already.  I remember the wonderful black or white shade artifacts in the sky over airbases after one such release in the past.
As for the "we" in my comment on the balance of fixes to new bugs, well, I guess I took a little literary license there and spoke for all the people (squaddies and other countrymen) I've talked to, or who complained over open channel about how a particular "fix" created more problems than it solved.   Sorry for not documenting each and every individual's name and squad this time, but it would have taken too long.  We'd be on the next release before I finished collecting them.  :)
And in a similar vein, I have yet to log on in ANY session and not hear multiple complaints from other flyers over range and 200 channel about, lag, warp, delays, discos, bugs, etc. ad infinitum.  Is this normal?  Yes it is.  Should it be the norm?  Is everyone just an unworthy complainer, or do they have the right to expect a certain level of proficiency and stability in the game?  I figure, a few such complaints and a few such incidents are reasonable.  But when the complaints are as constant as they now are, and the level of disruptions/bugs as well, you've got to think there is a bit of a problem somewhere.
God forbid anyone thinking HiTech's business model is perfect or can't stand some improvement.
As for how things are done in the past, it doesn't mean that's the way it should be done now or in the future.  And I am very aware that HiTech has a small staff and appreciate them trying to keep the cost low.  But, there is an old adage that says, 'it ain't a bargain if, no matter how cheap it is, you don't need it.'  Take that to mean if you aren't getting what you think you're paying for, it doesn't matter how inexpensive it is.
And while this post is a criticism, it is meant to provide some feedback to HiTech for positive, constructive change.  It does NOT mean I don't think that basically this is a wonderful online game, even the best there is.  I just believe that there is a little higher bar that can and should be achieved for the money I'm spending.  Remember, the basic commodity we are buying is the 'experience'.  There is no product to take home and keep for years.  If the experience is adversly impacted to a significant degree, we are getting less satisfaction for it.
For myself, I would spend up to $30 a month for a good, stable, sustainable experience day in and day out.  However, every day when I logon I tend to think, "what's going to screw-up and ruin my game playing today".  I just don't think we come anywhere near to that passably stable benchmark yet.
OK folks, chew on that one for awhile.  :)
Jagdgeschwader 77

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Offline oboe

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Newbie Speaks Again
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 10:04:05 AM »
I counsel patience.  Lots of changes recently, starting with the server switch and then a release and a patch to the release.

Lag, warps, and discos are more often related to the individual user's connection and not necessarily the game.   Evenso, Skuzzy will often offer lots of help to users to track down problems.

One alternative would be to beta every single new version and run it on a separate server.   Problem with that is you just aren't going to get the volume of players you need to identify many bugs.    People would rather play the game than download a new version and beta test.  (Unless there's a nifty new feature or aircraft - I imagine people would climb all over themselves to get into a beta arena that featured a B-29 or Gloster Meteor, or drive a sub around torpedoing fleets).

Offline straffo

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Re: Newbie Speaks Again
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 10:30:22 AM »
Originally posted by Sloehand
Don't know how long you have to be playing AH2 to not be a newbie

I'm playing since 99 and still think I'm a newbie.

Does it answer your question ?

Offline Flit

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Re: Re: Newbie Speaks Again
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2005, 01:37:17 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
I'm playing since 99 and still think I'm a newbie.

Does it answer your question ?

lol , same here
 I did'nt mean to offend ya Sloehand, and I'm sorry you took it that way in the other post.
 As for lag, warps, etc, the problem is the net , not the game.
 None of us have a direct, straight, unimpeded connection to HT's server.There are multiple hops from you to the server that neither HT, or you, have any control over the nodes between you and him.
 Plus, it thanksgiving week, and all the collage kids are at home D/Ling who knows what, using bittorrent or something.
 Did you know that it's estimated that Bittorent makes up 20% of the traffic on the net ?
 The problem is that your (and everyone else's ) packets have to compete with all that other net traffic.
 Know I do admit that once the server hit 500 +, it starts to get bad , so I try to play when there's less on. Shucks, ya got 500 + on it's just a hoard chasein a hoard anyway, which is not my idea of fun, so I go do something else for awhile till it cools down.
  Of coarse, now that I wrote all this (took 20 minutes), you probably already know all that

Offline hitech

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Newbie Speaks Again
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2005, 03:05:08 PM »
Sloehand this is a bug form, and quite frankly havn't seen you post one bug.

So this thread is completed.