Author Topic: AHII FV - To .wmv???  (Read 850 times)

Offline Bogie603rd

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2006, 11:54:56 AM »
Fraps wont work for me, I already have low frame rates while playing AH with every running program INCLUDING Explorer.exe shut down. Adding Fraps would just decrease it all, plus I dont have that much HD space to save 30 sec films.

 Besides, the AH FM isnt impossible to use, Sanjini used it to create his 109 Gun-Cam movie. He just used a common editor to weave it all together after exporting it as .wmv. At least, thats the way I heard it.
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Offline Pooface

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2006, 12:01:21 PM »
Originally posted by Bogie603rd
Fraps wont work for me, I already have low frame rates while playing AH with every running program INCLUDING Explorer.exe shut down. Adding Fraps would just decrease it all, plus I dont have that much HD space to save 30 sec films.

 Besides, the AH FM isnt impossible to use, Sanjini used it to create his 109 Gun-Cam movie. He just used a common editor to weave it all together after exporting it as .wmv. At least, thats the way I heard it.

i dont know anyone who has used the AH film viewer recently. sanjini's film is fairly old. perhaps once it was different, but since i've been trying to make films, it has never worked. search about, maybe someone knows how, but i dont think you'll be able to get it to work

what do you use to play AH. if you need to shut down explore.exe while in H2H, maybe it could be time for an update. you could probably pick up some parts for under $50 that will raise your frame rate a little. sorry, i cant help you here, i have no idea how to make AH film viewer work

Offline Bogie603rd

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2006, 11:25:43 AM »
Thanks for the help, and yes, I use H2H mode. Also, I have been thinking about getting some more memory for my comp. But the main reason why I shut down Explorer.exe is because my keyboard has a "windows" key. If you press it while "Explorer.exe" is running, it will send you back to your desktop.

 With my low memory, it takes 1 minute to go to desktop, and then return to the game. In that time I could have already been shot down, or any hopes of coming out alive are gone. So fixing the problem is as easy as making the game run faster:rolleyes: .

 But once again, thanks for the assistance. Maybe I can contact HTC and work something out and figure out how to make the FM to work. Cause I did contact them once about a bug of "weaving" films together. Whenever I tried to view them, it would generate some kind of a bug in the film. The gladly fixed that, and also in the e-mail alerting me that the bug has been fixed they mentioned that "The AH FM is not very 'user friendly'".

 Thanks again to all!:)
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Offline Speed55

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2006, 01:31:02 AM »
i don't find the process of converting an ahII film to avi using the film viewer to be a problem at all.
but there are a few tricks that i found, that seem to help.
here is the process i use:
example film is 02:21 long, and my kill scene is from  01:15 to 01:55.
step 1
click - use recorded views.
I always make sure my "start select", and "end select"  times are  in a default foward view, and if that means i have to start select from 01:05 and end select at 2:20 so be it, i'll edit later.
step 2
start select at 01:05  - end select 02:20  --   copy select --- save ---
new film pops up, total duration 01:15.
step 3
start select at 00:00 - end select 01:15  -- edit text/ voice
check remove text -check remove voice. -- click ok
editing complete --click ok
step 4
go to where your new film was saved.. right click -copy -paste to desktop in case your not happy with the film after you capture.
step 5
capture ----click view ---click start
changing views has to be done using a keyboard command.
internal view = v external =f, use whatever keys you want.
zooming = for FOV = needs to be done with a keyboard command.
up/down and left/right sliders need keyboard commands.
distance zoom and FOV zoom can be done with a mouse. FOV works when zoomed in.
snap/pan/instant can work with the mouse.
suppose the film i am making is me chasing someone, and then i zoomed in to get the shot, it will be the same in the film viewer, and you can adjust FOV.
if you have a short film, before you start capturing.. move the time slider to the left so you have time to adjust your film angles, just click the 1x button before you save the captured data.
if you want to pan around with the sliders, make sure your in pan mode, then you go back to snap mode once you have the view you like.
the film will run through --click replay film with captured data --- i always do because sometimes it wont save right if i dont.
the film will run through --click save film with captured data ---
click ok --- click close
step 6
close the film viewer -
step 7
restart the film viewer
click - use recorded views
click - gun cam * if that's what you want
step 8
file- open- film***
step 9
click -Save As Avi-  the box below append films
i usually select 640x480 size
and 29,97 fps
click -full frames (uncompressed)
click ok
step 10
open with wmp, or whatever..
open with your video editor - i use power director

It takes a while to get used to, but i've made some pretty decent films. wish i could post them, lol.. but they are large files.

I have a question now.
i  got the track ir4 system yesterday, and i noticed that when i record a film and replay it in the film viewer,  it is in default view only. Any ideas why?
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Offline Schatzi

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2006, 03:46:49 AM »
Bogie, dont run Fraps while PLAYING. Record the films off the AH film viewer.

And your FR for recording dont have to be that high anyway. Anything above 20 is fine. Also, you can try reducing tex res for recording..... when you render the film and depending on codec, you loose the details anyway.
21 is only half the truth.

Offline Bogie603rd

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2006, 10:43:24 AM »
Originally posted by Speed55

step 10
open with wmp, or whatever..
open with your video editor - i use power director

Well, that helps... IF I HAD A FILM EDITOR!:mad:
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Offline Bogie603rd

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2006, 10:44:18 AM »
Originally posted by Schatzi
Bogie, dont run Fraps while PLAYING. Record the films off the AH film viewer.

And your FR for recording dont have to be that high anyway. Anything above 20 is fine. Also, you can try reducing tex res for recording..... when you render the film and depending on codec, you loose the details anyway.

 I catch your drift schatzi, just for some reason im not comfortable with fraps... Idk EXACTLY why.:confused:
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Offline Speed55

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2006, 03:57:19 AM »
i think windows xp has a film editor built into it.
but you should be able to at least view your films with windows media player. At least thats a start :D
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Offline Knite

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2006, 06:14:07 AM »
Originally posted by Bogie603rd
Well, that helps... IF I HAD A FILM EDITOR!:mad:


If you have windows XP it comes with Windows Movie Maker. A decent (albiet limited) film editor that lets your splice in different film clips with each other, and even allow control of an audio track to go along with it. Once you're all set you just hit save movie, and it ties it all together for you and creates a WMV file.

Sure, it's no Final Cut Pro, but it's good enough for free. =) If you want an example of a movie made in Windows Movie Maker, look in this forum for my movie. Completely done with Fraps, the AH Film thing, and WMM.

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Offline Bogie603rd

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AHII FV - To .wmv???
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2006, 09:36:42 AM »
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