That said, you can "relax" the offline settings as far as lethality, ammo load-out,
lead computer sighting, etc. goes. Such tweaks are made by way of Arena Setting values.
H2H hosts also will increase ammo load-outs but flight modelling is usually the same as in any of the arenas.
A number of planes are very user friendly. They include the Spit1, Spit5, Spit8 and Spit9. Add to that list the N1K2 and FM2.
An hour OFFLINE with any of those planes will get you started in the Main Arena. Just keep on eye on the G-meter gauge and avoid yanking your joystick around.
Lastly, the Training Arena is a good place to get started. Trainers are usually available during evening hours.
Best of luck! And, welcome to Aces High.

Should you have specific questions, post them in the Help & Training section of the HTC boards...folks will usually jump in with an answer. A lot of information and help can also be found at