Author Topic: New Update Buglist  (Read 359 times)

Offline pigface

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New Update Buglist
« on: June 02, 2006, 11:53:16 PM »
Hey Hitech,

First thanks for the continuous effort to keep up the quality of this game. Although it is hard to comeout with a release that keeps everyne happy, I appreciate the efforts. I have noted some issues with the new patch and a couple issues that preexisted; but now that I am writing this I'll mention them here.

So far most if my issues listed here are clipboard GUI issues that if resolved, in my professional opinion, would be an improvement to the whole killing esperience I do so enjoy. :)

1) The Clipboard always dropps off the right corner after making a new menu selection. If  I open the clipboard, I would want to control if it stays up or not.
  • Either leave it up until I close it
  • Or make it an option in a clipboard control options window.
  • [/list=a]

    2) Menu items switch positions on menus. I see some work has been done on them, but consistancy in menu locations sould be a standard. Please,  keep all menu items in same physical location. End of Mission (former Tower) could be kept at bottom right menu location for example.

    3) Map is not available from Hangar. This "new" feature was a poor decision. Many times I ( and many others I heard on local channels) say they are checking map from the hanger view while deciding on plane or veichle to fly. We leave drectly from hanger. Please restore this function, or make the map a windowed map where it can stay up seperately all the time.

    4) This sounds picky... the wood grain of menus and clipboards would be beter suited if a brushed steel. Easier to read also. the woodgrain is tacky.

    5) The P38 would reach speeds close to the speed of sound before compressing . Here it compresses at just over 350, which dishonors those that really flew it. Any chance to work on making this the screamer it really was?

    6) Bubble helps are nice, foe newbees. Please make them a selectable off feature (on by default I guess). I rather not be buged by them, I know what the hanger menu does..

    7) I dont understand the loss of keyboard and joystic mapping with the new update. I am sure there was some reason but I personally do not like it. I used mostly default KBD and Joystick map settings anyway and even my throttle didnt work. I never seen a game do this.  Maybe an explaination would help here. I just want to understand a little.

    Thanks for your time. Keep up the good work, hope this input helps a little.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 12:05:30 AM by pigface »
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Offline thndregg

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Re: New Update Buglist
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2006, 01:59:06 AM »
Originally posted by pigface
3) Map is not available from Hangar. This "new" feature was a poor decision. Many times I ( and many others I heard on local channels) say they are checking map from the hanger view while deciding on plane or veichle to fly. We leave drectly from hanger. Please restore this function, or make the map a windowed map where it can stay up seperately all the time.

I second the "no map in hangar" opinion.  I'd like to make sure I don't have a hill or a vulcher to contend with when taking off without having to go back to the tower to check the map.  I definitely don't agree with whoever's decision this was.
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Offline Brooke

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New Update Buglist
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2006, 02:54:20 AM »
A couple of minor bugs I've noticed with the latest version.

The air-raid siren can be heard (although very faintly) even at bases that are 200 miles from the bases that are being attacked.  This happened for me after I visited a base under attack, then moved to a base not being attacked deep inside friendly territory.

Default keymap settings seem not to set "Weapon Select Primary" and "Weapon Select Secondary," which are set to "none" for me after installing the update.  They used to be "\" and Backspace, respectively.

When you go into the panel to set keys, if you click on a setting that has "none" listed as its key and when you have nothing selected on the gui version of the keyboard, if you then hit "set key," a message comes up saying something like "That key is already used.  Unmap its previous binding?  Yes/No".

Feature request:  in the key mapping, having a button that can set all keymappings back to default would be nice.  If you mess something up and unmap some unknown key, you won't know which it is without a lot of searching.

Offline Clifra Jones

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New Update Buglist
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2006, 12:02:06 PM »
I third the Map in Hanger. Was very surprised this no longer was there.

Also the bubble help. I agree make it an option to disable it.

A defaults button on the KB map would be helpfull. Also when it tells you that it is already it would be nice if it would tall you what it is already mapped to.

I posted another thread on this but I wil list is here.

You can no longer change the gunsight alpha in flight. I used this a lot at times like dawn and dusk or when trying a new gunsight. You really don't know where to set the alpha until you see it through the gunsight in flight.

Offline DoKGonZo

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Re: New Update Buglist
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2006, 03:10:50 PM »
Originally posted by pigface

4) This sounds picky... the wood grain of menus and clipboards would be beter suited if a brushed steel. Easier to read also. the woodgrain is tacky.


I mentioned the same thing during the beta.

As a quick fix I'd suggest asking Kev367th for his bare-metal texture. The skins he's shown with that look awesome.

Offline Brooke

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New Update Buglist
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2006, 06:32:12 PM »
Another feature request.  There used to be one place you could go to see (graphically, with value vs. time running graphs) if all your joystick, throttle, and pedal axes were working when you move the joystick, throttle, and pedals around.  Now, graphical input is broken up so that you have to click on every axis and check them all individually.  I liked the old way much better.

However, the new way for setting axis inputs is probably better.  I wouldn't change that back to the old way because the old way of setting up your joystick was very confusing.   I'm talking about just having one place to go so that you can wiggle around your inputs and see the value vs. time graphs update like before.

Offline Brooke

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New Update Buglist
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2006, 06:32:28 PM »
Possible bug:

Today, was near a CV that had many enemy aircraft near it, and it wasn't blinking on the map.

Offline MOSQ

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New Update Buglist
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2006, 06:46:54 PM »
Originally posted by Brooke
Possible bug:

Today, was near a CV that had many enemy aircraft near it, and it wasn't blinking on the map.

This has been an ongoing bug forever ( as long as I've been here). And it's not just CVs, it affects VHs and Airfields too.