This is sortta off topic for this thread, but I figure you guys may be able to help me.
I've found the sheep no worries, can catch 'em no worries too, no sheep, real or simulated is a match for a Blue Heeler.....but something wierd is going on, no matter where I look, I just cant seem to find any Bulls.
I know for a fact that there must be some, their telltale droppings are everywhere.
Occasionally, you will even hear people broadcast that they have found some over channel one , thye cry goes out..." Thats BS!!!" usually however, it turns out to be just another tricky bit of ACM ( Argentinian Cow Manure) immitating real roadkill.
Come to think of it, I can smell even more roadkill here than in the MA....mebbe the bulls are all BBS jocks these days, leaving all the REAL work to the sheep
<S> Blue