....on the main triaining base?
As things are, it isnt all that easy to learn leads for 37mm ack guns. Films cant help, and its a hassle to hunt up volunteers to fly over bases in the TA.
But with field guns enabled, and with the lead computing sight turned on, an entire generation of anti-vulching warriors could be trained just by tracking the many overflights that happen nonstop in the TA.
I understand new guys might be likely to plink away and annoy others, but with damage settings low there isnt anything they could do to really interfere with others. In any case, they could be warned and disciplined for gunning just as they can be now for unwanted shooting from planes. There's absolutely nothing different about engaging without permission in the air, versus engaging without permission from a field gun.
I admit the request is selfish...nothing else I've tried has helped me get better at 37mm ground guns. I suddenly had the idea of cycling through targets with the tab key, getting a couple hours of experience seeing the correct leads for all flight situations over a base....but then found it wasnt possible.