Author Topic: Welcome to test new Karelia Snapshots!  (Read 619 times)

Offline kanttori

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Welcome to test new Karelia Snapshots!
« on: September 30, 2006, 09:48:23 PM »
We Finnish are going to introduce you three new (actually one is edited) snapshots with the Karelia terrain.

At first we must test them and check that setups are ok. So welcome to fly to Special Events arena on Sunday 1st of October from 13 - 15 P.M. US Eastern (18 - 20 GMT / 19 - 21 CET / 20 - 22 Finnish time).

Here under are the briefings from these scenarios.

Thank you
Lentorykmentti 3 - Finnish Aces High Virtual Flight Regiment

Offline kanttori

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Welcome to test new Karelia Snapshots!
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2006, 09:48:57 PM »

Artist Credit: Sture Gripenberg  

The Soviet offensive in June/July 1944 was an ordeal not only for the Finnish armed forces, but also for the air force. On June 9th the Finns had only twenty airworthy Bf109 G-2 and G-6 planes while the Soviets often operated with 100 or more planes at the same area. The summer nights were light enough for flying all the way to mid July. Therefore the Finnish fighter pilots often made days as long as 19 hours.

On July 2nd at 20:00 hours 35 Russian Pe-2:s of the 34 GBAB, led by LtCol Kolokoltsev, dive-bombed the Lappeenranta air base. Some 40 IL-2:s of LtCol Kuznetsovand’s 872 ShAP followed with a strafing attack.

The Russian bombers were escorted by dozens of Yak-9 fighters of the 14 GIAP led by LtCol N.I.Svitenko, and La5:s of the 159 IAP led by a Hero Of The Soviet Union, LtCol Pokryshev.

The Finnish radio intelligence had intercepted the target and the time of the attack, but the raid had then been delayed by 24 hours. All eleven refuelled Bf109 G-2 and G-6 fighters of the HLeLv 24 in Lappeenranta were scrambled just in time to meet the enemy in air.

Ltn Kyösti Karhila’s flight took off to intercept the enemy en route to east of Viipuri, because that was the Soviets’ usual route. However, this time the enemy came west of Viipuri and flew without resistance to Lappeenranta.

HLeLv 34, based at Taipalsaari, a dozen kilometers north-west from Lappeenranta, was asked for help, and eight Bf109 G-6:s led by Ltn. Paavo Myllylä took off at 8:10 P.M.

One of the Squadron 34’s pilots, W/O Urho Lehtovaara, chased the bombers with his MT-448 and managed to shoot down three Pe-2:s in succession. The attacker lost eleven IL-2:s, four Pe-2:s and one escorting Yak-9. Two Bf109:s were destroyed on the ground and one more was damaged at landing.

Country Percentages:
Allied –70%
Axis – 30%  

14. GIAP: YAK-9T – 30%
159. IAP : La-5 FN -20%
872. ShAP: IL-2 Type 3 – 30%
34. GBAB: Boston III (as Pe-2) with formations - 20%
YAK-9T’s are to take off from A23 (Suulajarvi) and escort IL-2's to the target.
La-5's are to take off from A28 (Jappila) and escort Boston III's to the target.
IL-2’s are to take off from A51 (Rompotti).
Boston III’s are to take off from A28 (Jappila).
Units are to take off from their home bases and attack designated targets at A83. See the map below for specific targets at the airfield.
Russians can use A56 (Heinjoki) as emercengy landing field.

Yak-9T’s and La-5's may not carry any bombs and must carry 100% fuel.
Bombers must carry bombs and 75% fuel.    

HLeLv 24: Bf 109 G-2 – 20%
HLeLv 24: Bf 109 G-6 - 40%
HLeLv 34: Bf-109 G-6 – 40%  
HLeLv 24 are to take off from A83 and may CAP over their home base.
Finnish pilots may send out scouts to intercept early any incoming aircraft between A83 and Viipuri City to square 9.10.
Finnish may not cross the 8.10 - 10.10 horizontal sector line.
HLeLv 34 from A84 (Taipalsaari) is waiting as reserve in the tower and they can roll after enemy is sighted in the A83’s radar circle.
Finnish can use A74 (Suur-Merijoki) as an emercengy landing field.

Bf 109’s may not carry any bombs or drop tanks and must carry 100% fuel.
Bf 109 G-2’s may not carry wing gondolas but Bf 109 G-6’s can carry them if needed.

Clipboard Maps

Copy this map to your Aces High II /maps -foder. Then you can check them from your clipboard map in the game!

Lappeenranta airfield:

Other Special:

Victory Conditions:

Score multiplier based on mission result:
Landed: 100%
Ditched: 50%
Bailed: 25%
Captured: 10%
Killed: 10%

20 points for each Boston/IL2 that hits their assigned target.

20 points for each Boston III/IL-2/Yak-9T/La-5 FN victory.
Objects on airfield:
Hangers - 16 total
Vehicle Hangar - 1 total
Ammo bunker – 1 total
Ammo trucks – 6 total
Fuel tanks – 5 total
Acks – 6 total
Barracks - 1 total
Radar - 1 total
Arena Settings:
1. Terrain – Karelia
2. Icon - Short
3. Radar – Tower based radar Range 15,840 about 3 miles
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range – 15,840 about 3 miles
5. Visibility - 15 miles
6. Wind – None
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Friendly Collisions - Off
9. Enemy Collisions - On
10. Kill Shooter - Off
12. Ack 0.5
13. Event start, Game time – 15:00    
14. Time Multiplier: 1.0
15. Fuel Multiplier 1.0
16. Rebuild time multiplier: 5.0

Designer Notes
This is a one life event. The scoring system favours the side with less losses. Land the points!

CM Notes
Downed Allied pilots may gun for the Boston III’s and IL-2’s.
Downed Axis pilots may gun for  the Ground Guns.
For added excitement, this event may be played with "friendly icons only".

Design By
LLv34_Camouflage and Kanttori
Lentorykmentti 3 - Finnish Aces High Virtual Flight Regiment

Offline kanttori

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Welcome to test new Karelia Snapshots!
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2006, 09:50:22 PM »

Artist credit: Sture Gripenberg

On the 13th of July 1944 Major Luukkanen, the CO of the HLeLv 34, led 12 Bf 109 G-6’s to escort 40 bombers raiding the Soviet bridgehead at Vuosalmi on the Karelian Isthmus. Due to the 90-minute endurance of the Bf 109 without external tank the mission was scheduled by the minute.

On schedule the fighters took off and grouped into three sections of four planes before climbing to 5500 m for the join-up at Vuoksenranta. There they saw forty Finnish bombers arrive in formation, just on schedule. The bombers comprised nine Junkers Ju-88's in the front, then four Dornier Do-17Z's, the rest were Blenheim MK I and IV's - all the airworthy bombers of the FAF on that day.

The fighters were spread on each side of the long formation, posing a tactical problem. Luukkanen thought that the time was standing still, so slow was the approach flight to the target. Finally, about 20 minutes later, the Vuoksi river appeared below the formation.

The enemy opened heavy AAA fire. The Junkers dived for attack, and soon the escort pilots saw flashes of exploding bombs and clouds of dust and smoke rising in the sky from the bridgehead area.

The other bombers, one by one, began to deliver their loads from level flight as Luukkanen saw ten small specks approaching from south. The Russian interceptors were going to attack...


Country Percentages:
Allied –30%
Axis – 70%

14. GIAP: YAK-9T – 100%

YAK-9T’s are to take off from A23 (Suulajarvi) and may CAP over the Vuosalmi base.
Russian pilots may send out scouts to intercept early any incoming aircraft between Vuosalmi and Viipuri City to square 9.10.
Russians may not cross the 8.11 - 10.11 horizontal sector line.
Russians can use A56 (Heinjoki) as emercengy landing field.

Yak-9T’s must carry 100% fuel.

HLeLv 34: Bf-109 G-6 – 40%
PLeLv 44: Ju88 A-4 – 60%

Bf 109's are to take off from A84 (Taipalsaari) and escort bombers to the target.
Ju-88’s are to take off from A89 (Hiitola) without formations. They must dive bomb the target.
Units are to take off from their home bases and attack designated targets at V58. See the map below for specific targets at the Vehicle field.
Finnish can use A60 (Humalainen) and A83 (Lappeenranta) as emercengy landing fields.

Bf 109’s may not carry any bombs or drop tanks and must carry 100% fuel.
Bf 109 G-6’s can carry wing gondolas if needed.
Bombers must carry bombs and 75%.

Clipboard Maps

Copy these two maps to your Aces High II /maps -foder. Then you can check them from your clipboard map in the game!

5 x 5 miles map from the target area:

Vehicle field in the Karelia terrain:

Other Special:

Victory Conditions:

Score multiplier based on mission result:
Landed: 100%
Ditched: 50%
Bailed: 25%
Captured: 10%
Killed: 10%

20 points for each Ju88 victory and 10 points for each Bf 109 victory.

20 points for each Ju88 that hits their assigned target.

Objects on Vehicle Base:
Vehicle Hangar - 2 total
Ammo bunker – 2 total
Fuel bunker – 3 total
Fuel Truck - 3 total
Acks – 8 total
Town/Fortified Tents 12 total
Barracks/Troop tents - 3 total
Radar - 1 total

Arena Settings:
1. Terrain – Karelia
2. Icon - Short
3. Radar – Tower based radar Range 15,840 about 3 miles
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range – 15,840 about 3 miles
5. Visibility - 15 miles
6. Wind – None
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Friendly Collisions - Off
9. Enemy Collisions - On
10. Kill Shooter - Off
12. Ack 0.5
13. Event start, Game time – 17:00
14. Time Multiplier: 1.0
15. Fuel Multiplier 1.0
16. Rebuild time multiplier: 5.0

Designer Notes
This is a one life event. The scoring system favours the side with less losses. Land the points!

CM Notes
Downed Axis pilots may gun for the Ju88’s.
Downed Allied pilots may gun for the Ground Guns on V58.
For added excitement, this event may be played with "friendly icons only".

Design By
Lentorykmentti 3 - Finnish Aces High Virtual Flight Regiment

Offline kanttori

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Welcome to test new Karelia Snapshots!
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2006, 09:51:54 PM »

Artist Credit: Sture Gripenberg

On 20. 6. 1944 Ltn. Col. Kuhlmey's dive bombing group came with 33 Stukas, 50 Focke-Wulf 190 A-6s and eight Focke-Wulf 190 Jabos to help Finnish during Soviet's Great Offensive on summer 1944. And they wrecked havoc on the Karelian isthmus.

The German reinforcements attacked against Soviet supply routes and tanks. The famous bridges of Tali-Ihantala were destroyed daily, often several times a day, making it hard to Russians bring supplies and reinforcements forward to their Tali-Ihantala bridgehead.

The Russians were constantly building new bridges, but whenever they got one almost ready, a Stuka came and blew it to pieces. It took a long time to get troops across. And there was always a traffic jam waiting on the other side.

Russian experienced fighter pilots tried to clear the Tali-Ihanta's sky from those sharp bombers, but the mission was not so easy...


Country Percentages:
Allied –50%
Axis – 50%


14. GIAP: YAK-9T – 50%
159. IAP : La-5 FN -50%

YAK-9T’s are to take off about from A23 (Suulajarvi) and may CAP over the A56 (Heinjoki) base.
La-5 FN's are to take off from A28 (Jappila) and may CAP over the Viipuri town.
Russian pilots may send out scouts to intercept early any incoming aircraft between Tali-Ihantala and Viipuri City to square 9.10. Russians may not cross the 8.11 - 10.11 horizontal sector line.
Russians can use A56 (Heinjoki) as an emercengy landing field.

Yak-9T’s and La-5's must carry 100% fuel.


Gefechtsverband Kuhlmey Ju87 Stuka - 40%
Gefechtsverband Kuhlmey  FW 190 A-5 - 40 %
HLeLv 24: Bf-109 G-2/G-6 – 20%

Bf 109's are to take off from A83 (Lappeenranta) and CAP over Tali and the target bridges near V72.
FW 190 A-5 are to take off from A90 (Immola) and escort bombers to the target bridges near V72. They must also de-ack the V72 bridgehead.
Ju-87 Stuka’s are to take off from A90 (Immola). They must dive bomb the target bridges near Tali and also GV-Hangars from V72.
Units are to take off from their home bases and attack designated targets at V72. See the maps below for bridges and specific targets at the Vehicle field.
Finnish and Germans can use A74 (Suur-Merijoki) as an emercengy landing field.

Bf 109’s may not carry any bombs or drop tanks and must carry 100% fuel. Bf 109 G-6’s can carry wing gondolas if needed.
FW 190 A-5's can carry bombs and must carry 100% fuel.
Stukas must carry bombs and 75% fuel.

Clipboard Maps

Copy these maps to your Aces High II /maps -foder. Then you can check them from your clipboard map in the game!

5 x 5 miles map from the target area. The western bridge is a reserve target:

Vehicle field in the Karelia terrain:

Other Special:

Victory Conditions:

Score multiplier based on mission result:
Landed: 100%
Ditched: 50%
Bailed: 25%
Captured: 10%
Killed: 10%

20 points for each Stuka/Bf 109/FW 190 victory.

20 points for each Ju87/FW 190 that hits their assigned target.

Objects on Vehicle Base:
Vehicle Hangar - 2 total
Ammo bunker – 2 total
Fuel bunker – 3 total
Fuel Truck - 3 total
Acks – 8 total
Town/Fortified Tents 12 total
Barracks/Troop tents - 3 total
Radar - 1 total

Arena Settings:
1. Terrain – Karelia
2. Icon - Short
3. Radar – Tower based radar Range 15,840 about 3 miles
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range – 15,840 about 3 miles
5. Visibility - 15 miles
6. Wind – None
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Friendly Collisions - Off
9. Enemy Collisions - On
10. Kill Shooter - Off
12. Ack 0.5
13. Event start, Game time – 07:00
14. Time Multiplier: 1.0
15. Fuel Multiplier 1.0
16. Rebuild time multiplier: 5.0

Designer Notes
This is a one life event. The scoring system favours the side with less losses. Land the points!

CM Notes
Downed Axis pilots may gun for the Ju87 Stuka’s.
Downed Allied pilots may gun for the Ground Guns on V72.
For added excitement, this event may be played with "friendly icons only".

Design By
Lentorykmentti 3 - Finnish Aces High Virtual Flight Regiment