Author Topic: News, Announcements, & Information forum  (Read 259 times)

Offline Traveler

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News, Announcements, & Information forum
« on: December 29, 2006, 07:38:49 AM »
I Would like to see HiTechCreations use the News, Announcements, & Information forum more consistently in the future for the release of game related news and announcements.  

HTC has told me that they have thought about removing the News, Announcements, & Information forum from the BBS because they never use it, instead HiTechCreations uses the arena message of the day to convey informational type news.   And that’s the  problem.  Because there is no history with the MOTD.  

Just reading through many of the posts in the BB it becomes obvious, while the MOTD may convey information for those that are signing in that day, week.  The MOTD does not stay and may change day to day.  I recall very few times that I even remember seeing a MOTD. Yet there were changes being made to the game/system.  

If you happen to have missed it, there is no place that you can go to see what has been announced.  I had no idea that there was a help channel, must have missed that MOTD.  

I didn’t know that the Bomb sight calibration had been changed again and despite the instructions that are on the help page or in the bomb sight view.  I’m guessing that it was announced in the MOTD.  

It would just seem to make since to use the News, Announcements, & Information forum where a person could scroll back to see the latest information and announcements in one predetermined place rather then have to wad through the different forums reading hundreds of posts in hopes of discovering any informational announcements.

You can still make use the MOTD , just also record the message in the forum.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 07:51:49 AM by Traveler »
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