No disrespect intended as I know the amount of time involved. This is not aimed at BOB just a general comment on scenario's overall.
If you have a aspiration of being a scenario CO, then be willing to give up all your time or don't sign up. As I found out the hard way.
During downfall I found out I wasn't the first choice to CO, but was offered the position, against some opinions that I wasn't worthy or capable.
I flamed out because of my inexperience, and what I believed lack of info.
but I returned and did my best, (was availible on teamspeak every night(even during my vacation)
communication and info are vital to a CO. I cannot stress the amount of responsibility a CO of a scenario has and the time needed to make the event a good one for all involved.
You need to keep you command staff involved and informed, weather it is a plannable frame or not. get input from all flight leads, again weather they want to give it or not.
And yes there are planable frames and there are not planable frames and all players on both sides need to realize this. Attack sides can make plans in sceanrio, but defense side cannot always plan a direct involvement plan, as they need to respond to a fluid battle field and need to come up with a general defense plan that can be changed in a moments notice and still be effective.
Virgin Co's such as myself have no idea what your in for, but I do now and am ready for any and all upcoming events.
Even though I was cherry in downfall, I knew to go recruit the buff pilots and the FSO squads, was my key to any shot of winning. with that said ya need to be somewhat well known to get the key components in place for any kind of advantage
A big to all that have volunteered there time to CO a scenario.
But heed my warning, the enjoyment/success of a 100+ pilots lay in you hands as a CO.
Some didn't believe in me before, but I hope they do now.
So if your an aspiring scenrio CO godbless and be prepared
it will defenitly be a new experience
Again this my observation from many scenario's not from this BoB