Author Topic: Plane Strenghts  (Read 532 times)

Offline DaChamp687

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Plane Strenghts
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:09:48 PM »
I was wondering if any of you experienced pilots knew the strenghts of the La-7. I love to fly them and I have better sucsess with them than any other plane. I'm not exactly sure about thier turning ability I can sometimes stay behind other planes with them but sometimes they get me 2 over shoot. I was also curious about the C.202 Itailian plane (I think thats what it is) and if that plane has good handling speed ect. (I was hoping someone could tell me from personal expirence and not refer me 2 the sites with charts as I don't understand all of the stat comparisons there).

Offline trotter

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« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 10:51:33 PM »
The La-7 is one of the best planes in the game performance wise. Due to this, however reputation wise it is one of the worst. I believe that people should fly whichever plane they like, but you must understand that there are people who will gripe at you simply for flying the La-7 all the time. It is nothing personal.

Why the bad rep?

Well, since you don't like the charts, here it is.
The La-7 is fast. At under 7k, where most of the fights are, you will out run everything that is not perked (and some that are.) The speed advantage, outstanding climb rate, in conjunction with 3x20mm cannons in the nose, lends to a style of play that many new pilots abuse...which is taking head-on shots and then using the La's speed to run away. I say abuse because while they may get a few cheap kills, ultimately they are denying themselves the opportunity to learn proper ACM, reducing this game to no more than an aerial first person shooter.

You brought two things up that I want to mention. First, you asked about turn rate. Not many new pilots will think about turn fighting in a La7, simply because they do not get good initial results. This is because many fly with the throttle maxxed at all times. The La-7 is so fast that a full power turn is not advisible. If you have the instinct to know when to cut throttle, you will get turns from an La-7 you never thought possible. The instinct takes time to learn in any plane (believe me, I'm still in the process :aok  ) and you run the risk of trading your E for one shot. If you miss.....well..   In the La-7 your quick acceleration can sometimes bail you out of trouble such as this.

Just keep in mind when in a turn fight, throttle control throttle control throttle control. and don't get into the habit of turn fighting all the time in an La.

You always mentioned overshooting. This again has to do with throttle control. Overestimating your closure rate is always better than underestimating. Again, the La-7 acceleration can close gaps fast. If you are throttled down and still feel the overshoot happening, use your rudder.

The C.202 is outclassed in almost every way by its older brother the C.205. The 205 has good climb rate at low alt, a good guns package with lots of cannon ammo, poor visibility, good roll rate, average to good turning ability at medium to high speed.

If you don't like reading charts, check out this plane comparison site:

Best of luck :)

Offline Spatula

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« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 10:58:01 PM »
Strengths of the La7:
 - Very fast down low (not much can catch it)
 - Excellent climb rate down low
 - Excellent acceleration down low
 - Good slow-speed handling and sustained turn-rate (not as good as a spits, but very close to the N1k2 or Hellcat.
 - 3 nose-mounted 20mm cannons gives it excellent stopping power and accuracy.

Basically its a low-alt monster.

Dunno much about the 202, except its probably on par with a spit 5 but not quite on par with its slow-speed turn ability. And it only has MG armament. Certainly not in the same league as an La7... or even the earlier La5.
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Offline Geary420

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« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 07:38:02 AM »
Although most would like to believe its not possible, I have a couple decent la7 films.  I can post them for you tomorow night if you would like to see them.

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 08:19:13 AM »
As has already said, the La7 is a beast performance wise.

But in my humble opinion, its one of the more difficult planes to fly well (Im NOT talking about using it for hit-and-run style of "fighting"). Use youre throttle a lot - its turning ability very much depends on your using your throttle. Same applies for flaps. Use them to turn. Dont be afraid to get the La slow and flaps out. With the engine power at hand, you can hightail it out of there almost at will.

Another strenght of the LA... it can fight right off the runway.

Its one drawback is the fuel load. You have about 25 minutes in the Main Arenas.
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Offline HeLLcAt

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« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 11:04:28 AM »
The C.202 has mediocre gun performance. The C.205 is one of the best planes in the game IMO for an experienced pilot. F6F Hellcat is my favorite, but that's a whole nother discussion, where's my Mathman when I need him :D The C.205 has excellent climb rate and very nice accerleration. The .50 cals and 20mm together give it a nice little punch. 205 is hard to fly because you start stalling early in a turn, but if you can control that thing, it is a thing of beauty...It's pretty quick and turns pretty well if you can control it. I wouldn't fly the C.202, guns are too weak...

Offline kvuo75

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« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 08:20:48 PM »
whatever you do, don't let any online taunts about how the la7 is a dweeb plane deter you... I actually heard countrymen degrading countrymen because one wanted to fly a LA7 instead of some certain 109 variant which was obviously l33+..

the whole reason we're all playing is to have fun.. applying ACM is my personal second reason, but if it weren't fun, then I wouldn't play..

I have my most fun in the la7 as well.. when I finally use my admittedly mediocre-but-not-ignorant ACM to get in the saddle or otherwise get a beatiuful shot, I like my guns to do some damage.  And then when some dude finally gets on my 6, I like to be able to extend and rtb with my 2 kills with bingo ammo! (yes my gunnery still stinks, but is improving)

disclaimer: I _never_ HO.. (old AW, CK, WB etiquette, i guess)

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Offline DaChamp687

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« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2006, 03:33:32 PM »
Post them clips I would like to see them and I prefer to fight a low turning fight and I know the spits and the best way to go if u want to turn but are there any other planes that can turn with the best of them. (Ty for all you input)

Offline Apers

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« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2006, 04:21:11 PM »
I love the LA. it's a beast that just wants to move. even when the engine dies the bird will glide forever. In addition to great rear visibility she can take a beating.

I'll admit that I'm not that good in combat, and my gunnery leaves alot to be desired, but when I dive onto someone from altitude, I can take them down just by ramming them, which I often do. sometimes intentionally, sometimes not so much. Like just today I took out a B24 by ramming through it's wing at 500mph, and a Corsair learned a valuable lesson about the LA7; don't kick the rudder when you have a LA7 directly behind you, traveling near the mach threshold.

but yeah, I love the LA-7 because when your guns run out and you can't get away, then you've got a near-sonic battering ram strapped to you.

Every time I dive from altitude I always catch myself shouting "секс вспышка!"
« Last Edit: November 18, 2006, 04:26:34 PM by Apers »

Offline Geary420

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« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2006, 08:30:31 PM »
Originally posted by DaChamp687
Post them clips I would like to see them and I prefer to fight a low turning fight and I know the spits and the best way to go if u want to turn but are there any other planes that can turn with the best of them. (Ty for all you input)

Sorry didnt notice that reply, I'll try and get them hosted somewhere later tonight or tomorow.