Originally posted by lazs2
They are saying that the best solution, and I agree, is insurance like most of us have on our cars.... deductible with say... $4000-10000 a year deductible... the rates would then be from say a low of $60 a month to a high of say a hundred or sop a month.
LOL, I can tell you have not been paying for your own in a while
10k deductible here pushing $300.00 a month. And we have had all the cool tort reform in place that the insurance industry pushed thru in the 90's including the only complete immunity law for the drug industry in the nation.
I gotta say, the insurance industry has masterful PR people, they over charge for a product in a so called government regulated environment and have successfully convinced a huge percentage of the people that it is someone else's fault.
I worked insurance defense for many years until I just couldn't stomach it any longer, the crap that the adjustor's and defense counsel want the field investigators to do just to get out of paying valid claims so they can maintain good "loss ratios" is sickening.