Author Topic: Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?  (Read 324 times)

Offline 68ROX

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« on: December 04, 2006, 01:04:30 PM »
Just curuious, because back on AW we had a bunch, and even used 40 and 80 meters for game comms before VOX....

Anyone else on Aces High a licensed amateur radio operator?

All countries count!


K5TEN--General Class

(Licenced since 1981, ex-KA0NIU, ex-KA9SOX)

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 01:33:22 PM »
mmmmmmmmmm haaam.

Offline nirvana

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 03:03:44 PM »
Quite a few if I recall correctly.  In fact I believe there was a whole thread of them discussing radio frequencies and how to screw with radios to get them on different frequencies etc.
Who are you to wave your finger?

Offline Irwink!

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 02:40:46 PM »
Used to be - WB4MBM. Let the license slide after it stopped being fun (for me). 'Course I started out in '65 or so. Do they even require morse code to pass a test these days? I used to run phone patch traffic for guys in SE Asia, maritime mobile dudes and such. Built my own rigs and antenna systems. DX'ing.  I guess the internet and cell phones killed a lot of the joy and sense of accomplishment in getting a contact. Field Days were always a blast! I might get back into it once I grow old(er).  :D

Offline 68ROX

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 05:22:39 AM »
Originally posted by Irwink!
Used to be - WB4MBM. Let the license slide after it stopped being fun (for me). 'Course I started out in '65 or so. Do they even require morse code to pass a test these days? I used to run phone patch traffic for guys in SE Asia, maritime mobile dudes and such. Built my own rigs and antenna systems. DX'ing.  I guess the internet and cell phones killed a lot of the joy and sense of accomplishment in getting a contact. Field Days were always a blast! I might get back into it once I grow old(er).  :D

They have been debating code or no code for decades now.  Technician Licenses no longer require code and General Class is down to 5 wpm.  Code may soon be eliminated entirely.

The sunspot cycle sucks now, but will rise again in '08.

If you still have a receiver, listen in on 40 and 80 meters sometime, or even 20 during the just might get the bug again, Irwink!

Hope to see you on the air!


Offline Irwink!

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 05:54:38 AM »
I still have a 20 meter SSB rig - a Heathkit HW-32A. Vacuum tubes! I might get back into it at some point.

Offline 68ROX

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 06:02:28 PM »
Originally posted by Irwink!
I still have a 20 meter SSB rig - a Heathkit HW-32A. Vacuum tubes! I might get back into it at some point.

BTW: Still selling well at hamfests.  The only two mods I know that folks make is to add a digital (not all that expensive anymore, homebrewed) frequency counter...and some folks using a DSP Digital Speech Processor (outboard) to get the audio sounding state of the art.

You might also be surprised how many RF amplifiers are still in use from those days.

I hope you get back on Irwink!

I have a mid-80's Yaeseu 757-GX-MkII that only needs some repair, and I will be back on HF as well.

Ten years ago, when so many hams who were on Air Warrior were using 40 and 80 meters instead of VOX (unavailable on the game at that time) it might have been easier to set a sked back then.

Maybe we will have to revive a trend....

best 73


Offline Nilsen

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 06:14:01 PM »
Dunno if it counts, but i have a fax machine. That too is a vintage form of communication :D


I dont have a license but when i was in the navy we recived heaps of interesting chatter on the communications gear onboard. This was back in 95-96 and the ammount of amateurs around was impressive. All them boxes we had in our little dingy could recieve every frequency out there i guess including some really jibberish stuff from god knows were. After i ended my service i always wanted to explore this and get my own set but it just faded away unfortionatly.

Offline 68ROX

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 06:28:32 PM »
Hi Nilsen!

There are many amateur radio operators in Norway, their licenses usually start with "LA", like "LA1AAA" or "LA5ZZZ", you might see post boxes or autos with these radio call signs.  If you know a neighbor for friend with a license, (or an odd looking large antenna on the roof) simply ask them about amateur radio, and they will happily help.

Just like your naval service, amateur radio operators assist communications in emergencies, disasters, floods, snowstorms, hurricanes, and distressed ships at sea.  There is also fun "hobby" type communications where you can speak, use a form of FAX (ASCII & AMTOR), computer digital modes, and yes, even the antique Morse Code.  There are even contests and awards.

You can get more information on the Norway Radio Relay League (in Norwegian) here:

You can either buy manufactured radios, or build your own cheaper!  My best low power "DX" was 700 miles with less than the power of a garage door opener (100mW), and with 150 watts have talked around the world on a simple wire antenna (Kazakstan, Australia, Chile, McMurdo Sound Antarctic Station, a Canadian Expedition to the North Pole, even ancestors of the "Mutiny on The Bounty" in the Pacific).  

With a qualifying license and the same headset you use on Aces can access VHF and UHF repeaters around the world using the same computer you are reading this on right now--NO radio required!

King Juan Carlos of Spain is a ham, Former King Hussein of Jordan was a ham, Joe Walsh of The Eagles" is a ham, Ronnie Milsap is a ham, also regular everyday people like you and me....

The friendships you make last a lifetime!

Good Luck!


Offline Suave

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2006, 11:55:15 AM »
Originally posted by Casinoman
They have been debating code or no code for decades now.  Technician Licenses no longer require code and General Class is down to 5 wpm.  Code may soon be eliminated entirely.

As of two days ago it was.

How does that make you radio guys feel deep down inside.. where you're soft like a woman?

Offline dmf

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Any Other Licensed HAMS on AH?
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2006, 03:23:31 PM »
I have a SuperStar 3900 cb radio, does that count :)

( doesn't work though)