Author Topic: Did the maps stop rotating?  (Read 240 times)

Offline COndor06

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Did the maps stop rotating?
« on: January 24, 2007, 01:08:48 PM »
I have been away for a while but since my return three weeks ago TT is the only map up. Why are the maps not rotating? I really don't mind playing one map for a week or two but was there a change while I was away, are we waiting for something, can the map not be won, ect? Just wanted to know.
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Captain Marko Ramius:

Offline DREDger

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Did the maps stop rotating?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 01:21:04 PM »
Yeah this has been a topic lately, you can probably look down and see a few threads on it.  (however I really only speak for LW orange as that where I like to play)

There were a couple of problems as I understand it.

1.  The capture system was set at the 50/50 towards the beggining of the map, and virtually no team won a reset.

2.  A couple of weekends they were having some server issues where memory or something was running out, system would crash, everyone booted, then it would come back up, for some reason to same map.

3.  I think there might have been an additional problem where the weekly resets weren't happening, or if they did, back to the same map.

Anyway thats kind of what I gathered in reading the posts, but I might be wrong about that.  Appearantly these items have all been fixed but I don't know

Offline COndor06

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Did the maps stop rotating?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 02:17:39 PM »
Hey Dredger, Great missions by the way. You know me as Condor00. I was thinking that (again since my return) the airfields that are restricted from capture might have something to do with no one being able to win the map hence the maps not revolving. But you would think that this would be noticed and repaired. I don't think that we would be playing the same map for weeks unless some other problem existed. Whatever it is I hope it is resolved quickly. A fresh map would be very welcome.
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Captain Marko Ramius:

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Did the maps stop rotating?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 04:32:43 PM »
hiyas condor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i starting ta wonder about the resets too.  these maps are up a long time.  thank god mindino (spell chk) not up.  i'd be going nuts.  i sure miss skuzzy and his wednesday god mode blue text :(

David (Daddy Rabbit) Jester
S! 68KO
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