Author Topic: Upgraded to 1.81 and Can't Fly!  (Read 354 times)

Offline Hatman

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Upgraded to 1.81 and Can't Fly!
« on: October 06, 2001, 08:48:00 PM »
Whenever I launch AH, I get the new white window and the illegal operation message.  It follows;

ACESHIGH caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 0000:842d3f59.
EAX=842d3f58 CS=0177 EIP=842d3f59 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=01632ffc SS=017f ESP=011de838 EBP=011de854
ECX=841d003c DS=017f ESI=01632ffc FS=3537
EDX=0000003f ES=017f EDI=01723ca0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00 1d 84 2c 00 1d 84 24 50 c1 83 99 00 00 a0 3c
Stack dump:
004caf71 842d3f58 01632aa8 01632ffc 011de998 004e19da 00000000 011de9a4 004c91d7 00000002 01723ca0 01720ed0 004c9129 0061b92b 01720ed0 004c8a86

PII450 128M RIVA TNT2 SB64, WIN98
Been flying all previous versions successfully.

Rebooted numerous times.

I've D/L'd and installed DX8.0A, removed my video.cfg and voice.cfg files from htc\aces high\settings.

I'm having DT's, please any help!

hatman, out

Offline SKurj

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Upgraded to 1.81 and Can't Fly!
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2001, 12:16:00 AM »
Are u running AH from the original shortcut?  NOT the dxbeta one?
Did u try complete uninstal of AH and then fresh instal?
(save your settings folder)


Offline Hatman

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Upgraded to 1.81 and Can't Fly!
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2001, 01:41:00 PM »

Never ran the DXBETA thingy so I'm running from the shortcut that points at aceshigh.exe.

Did the full uninstall, d/l'd the 22M full product, installed, rebooted and tried again.  

Same results.


hatman, out

Offline Hatman

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Upgraded to 1.81 and Can't Fly!
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2001, 05:50:00 PM »
FYI Fellow Pilots,

Could not launch AH from my normal shortcut.  Used Explorer to launch the exe and everything worked.  After that, the shortcut worked too.

Can't say what fixed it but can say the re-install did not.

hatman, out