I think we should bust them out of prison. We are going to need some weapons experts who won't think twice about killing because they are a bit bitter at life (and desensitized to violence from playing AH too much). I think we will have more than enough to choose from in the O'club.
Secondly, we are going to need some pilots. Were going to need a young squirrely pilot, who doesn't really act normal but who can fly low and land anywhere. Golfer- Check!. But then we are going to need an old, experienced pilot. Maybe one who is a few pounds overweight and spends too much time on the computer and not enough flying. Eagl- Check! But then we might need one more. Someone who knows a little bit about aerobatics, and who has some helicopter training. It would be especially good if he wrote in a mangled, cryptic manner. Hitech- Check!
Finally, we are going to need the rescue team. First thing we are going to need is armored suits. Someone who has experience with robot suits, who isn't afraid of death (and shows it by flying a taildragger drunk but still managing to land it after a few attempts). Chairboy- Check! We are going to need a damn good scuba diver, someone who can come up through the water resovoir, navigate in pitch black, and be ready to blast his way in and out. It would be especially good if this person was an expert in biology, he could act as a medic and general knowledge resource. Hmmm, who could that be? Aquashrimp- Check! The rest of you guys can come too, to act as our bullet shields incase chairboys robot suits dont stop rifle bullets.