Cable is available in some parts of the country depending on who the Telecom provider is in your area but mostly not.
As an example i switched from BT to Cable and Wireless about 4 years ago and took the cable TV and phone with an eye to getting a cable modem, guess what its still not available !
I threatened to leave and go back to BT and they said we are setting up the department to oversee the setting up of the cable modems in February 2001.
Err department being set up to oversee ???
When asked when they might actually be available the answer was "No Dates Available".
That was enough for me i am leaving them on the 27th Jan.
BT is VERY slowly rolling out ADSL its actually available about 60 miles from me in Cambridge but it might as well be on the moon.
My choice for now as BT has been getting a kicking in the profit area is to take their BT Speedway option which is ISDN2e i believe, this costs approx £45 per month for unlimited internet, evenings 6pm to 8am i think and all weekends BUT only on 1 channel and ONLY to BTinternet and free local phone calls thrown in, so 64k only.
If you wanna connect to another ISP at cheap rates you pay BT about another £5 and then approx £15 to your chosen ISP to get the same connect package.
Basically you gonna pay bro they know how to extract your hard earnt money in good old UK.
The only reason i am going for it is to reduce my pings to AH currently running at about 280 on a good day to 350 on a poor day, somedays its even higher then i have to read about people in Texas etc complaining of pings of 50 ! (makes me feel sick i can tell ya).
Btw if you are lucky enough to have Cable or ADSL available in UK then it only costs approx £40 per month for always on unlimited service.
You could also check this site out It shows whats avialable in most of the areas but i dont know how up to date it is.
Good luck finding what you want if you get posted here.
Also as best i understand it at the moment if you do connect at 128k (different dial up number) even tho you have paid for the evening and weekend free package they then charge you for using both lines.
I would have expected to pay for the extra line but thats BT for ya.
Update, just seen starting in Jan 2001 BT has announced for an extra £15 making total to them of about £55 they are launching a 24 hour service No internet phone calls to worry about.
(Edited typo)
[This message has been edited by 214thCavalier (edited 01-16-2001).]