Author Topic: seems like  (Read 665 times)


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seems like
« on: February 09, 2000, 11:52:00 PM »
 HTC went out of there way to encourage HO,s. And its working.

 First you have the long range gunnery. People start firing from 1.0 because it works.

 Second, you can set your convergance out to 650 yrds. and that works.

 Third, the last man standing rule gives people the impression thay have done something, besides die in a dweebish HO.

 This game has become one HO after another. With net lag, trying to dodge an HO is far from a sure thing. I wish i had a dime for every time ive seen a plane fly by with his nose clearly pointing over 45 deg. away from me. Than 2 seconeds later i hear the pings, and  my wings come off.
 The funny thing is, this has gotten worse since we went pay. So much for the "better players will be here after the dweebs have to pay" theory

 BTW. I find myself in a lot of HO,s because i thought the guy was going the other way. I tried the zoom thing . It didnt work for me.

[This message has been edited by TT (edited 02-10-2000).]


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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2000, 01:43:00 AM »
 Since im in whine mode anyway.

 Why is it . That in a game where you are often not awarded earned kills. Some one can set in the ack, and get kills without shooting anything.

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2000, 07:02:00 AM »
HTC didn't "encourage" or "discourage" HO's TT.  They just modelled the weapons systems and planes in the best and most accurate manner they could.

Long range gunnery?  I was critical of it as well at first.  But Pyro challenged everyone to post films showing long-range gunnery and it's effects.  Nobody did.  I tried long convergence and went for the long range stuff trying to film it for Pyro... but I couldn't do it.  I can only conclude that Pyro is right, there is no problem.

Dodging HO's is easy.  I don't think I've even been pinged in an HO in at least a week.  This is of course discounting the few times I went for the shot myself.  If you want some tips and help on avoiding the HO, fire away or look me up online, I'd be glad to help.  FYI, I LOVE seeing all the HO attempts, as it hands me a huge advantage every time.  Bring 'em on!

Convergance out to 600 yrds or whatever is possible to set in the game, but I don't find it very effective.  I fly the 1C Hog, and 350 is the most effective convergence range for me.

It sounds from your post like you don't understand the effects of lag.  Remember, what you are seeing is what the other guy was doing over 1 second ago.  What he see's is what you were doing over 1 second ago.  That means you can't believe your eyes, you need to mentally adjust for the lag that is inherent in any online game.  I suspect you are not starting your evasives early enough.  Try doing barrel rolls under the nose of the enemy starting at D1.5, and then break into your next move by D300 or so.  Once I started doing my evasives by at least D1.2, I stopped getting hit in HO's almost completely.  Give it a try.  

The Flying Pigs

Offline rosco-

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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2000, 09:28:00 AM »
 What Lephturn said. I also love it when another plane tries to HO me, cause I know I was just given a huge advantage over the other guy. I also notice the last couple days that the instances of HO's are decreasing, maby due to pay for play and the average pilot being much higher caliber.

Offline Superfly

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« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2000, 09:52:00 AM »
If you don't like HO's, don't position yourself to be in one.  It's very simple.  A plane is coming straight at you, you turn or roll around him.  It's really not that hard.  I rarely get into HO's, and I know you've been flying long enough to know better TT.  

John "SUPERFLY" Guytan - Art Director
HiTech Creations
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Offline pzvg

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« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2000, 11:23:00 AM »
I get into HO's mainly because pointing the nose at the bad guy is the last resort, and I find myself in that position far too much   Now longrange gunnery? I never film so I have no proof, but I have scored hits out to 1.2k, IMHO it's not worth it, example; chasing a low 51 out 14 last night, NIK with full ammo load, no way I'm gonna close this guy, but he vapped a friendly so I was determined to try, My firing was short bursts starting when he was about 650 away,stopped at 1.1k when the guns ran dry result? 1 little ping which didn't bother him in the least. So I say it's not really that effective, and Btw even tho I point my nose at incoming bandits, I rarely manage to kill them, so I think the HO problem is underrated.
The above is my opinion and my opinion alone,I am entitled to it, and you to yours, so take a deep breath before you reply. thank you.

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"


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« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2000, 12:39:00 PM »
 To be more spacific. I consider 650yrds. long range gunnery.  and if you want to park on my 12 at that range ill be happy to prove it works. With lag, a plane at 950 yrds might well be at 650 on his fe. I had an f4u HO me the night before last. I had time to turn and was on his six when i heard pings, and wing came off (no others around I bailed and looked). Lag time can vary wildly.


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« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2000, 03:07:00 PM »
Mmmm about the distance of lethal gunnery...

I've got a film showing Bigjim (F4u-1c) splashing away at me (spit), range 1.2 K. I admit I was flying level.. but I believe that's just to far out. After he ripped my right wing off I asked him what the distance was on his side. He told me it was 1.2 K... this seems logical since we were flying with about the same speed.

If you want to see this just email me and I'll post it... Have to warn you tho that it's a rather long film...


Offline Skorpyon

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« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2000, 04:26:00 PM »
Though virtually all of my considerable ballistics experience is with much smaller caliber weapons, I have read enough material and viewed video footage that convinces me that the larger of the calibers of weapons we are dealing with here would indeed have a lethal range out to the distances people are complaining about.  Minute of angle accuracy from a moving platform, no, but especially against a level target hits would indeed occur, and those hits would cause damage.  Consider the number of rounds being fired, and even at longer distance the odds of rounds hitting is higher than might be expected.  Factor in also that tracer ammo makes it easy to adjust the angle of fire in midstream, and it doesnt really surprise me that these hits can occur.  Considering that a single, tripod mounted Browning .50 cal. machine gun was used as an effective sniper weapon out to 1500+ yards (conservative estimate)during the Vietnam War, against human sized targets, it seems VERY possible that a few hundred rounds of the same caliber, from multiple guns, could indeed score hits on a target the size of an aircraft, and as always, location of hits is usually the determining factor as to damage.  And remember convergence.  Even though convergence is most deadly at close ranges, it actually helps adjust for your inaccurate aiming at farther distances.  Rather than all of your rounds being focused on one narrow point (more likely to miss at distance), they are fanning out, much like a shotgun blast.   Ask yourself this.. would I feel safe driving my car around a big open area, with a guy unloading belt after belt of .50 ammo (not to mention 20mm) at me from 1.2k?  I sure wouldn't. Sure, his aim wouldnt be accurate, but the volume of rounds comin my way would erase any safety I might feel due to distance. In reality, these rounds can, and do, travel these distances while retaining their lethality.  I think it is another of the realisms that AH has been good about including.  In fact, I use this theory in HO's when the need arises (probably much too often due to my lousy sense of enemy direction)   .  Fire a one second burst starting at 1.3k or so, and then pull up and hard bank.  Works more often than not to escape unscathed, and very often takes out the other guy.  The combination of the above factors, and the closure speed of the enemy, combine to work quite nicely most of the time.