Originally posted by EskimoJoe
Thanks for all the help guys!
Every job oppurtunity I get, I will take as long as there is some money involved. Currently I have about 40bucks to my name, but I want to save up for a 360 hard-drive. I also want the XboxL-BRAINSOMETHING!!!
I just remembered that a currently have a subscription to another game called Dragon Realms. DR is a fun game, me and my brother sometimes play it together. Its text based, and super fun. If I cancel that, I could coax my dad into subscribing me to this game!
I feel proud of myself sometimes.
So, in other news, Thank you all for your help and support, even though I may sometimes be an (insert donkey here)
EJ, over and out.
which do you feel more important? a 360 Harddrive &/or XboxL-BRAINSOMETHING?
or 1 can or plastic bottle of your choice Gatorade/Pepsi/Coke/Mtn Dew/ Dr Pepper/lipton or Mestea?
or an Aces high subscription?
tihnk about it, it cost less than 50 cents a day to play Aces high online in the main arenas etc....... doing without just 1 can drink or bottled drink or bottled water will pay for right about 2 days..........it only cost $14.95 a month divide that by 30 or 31 and that is what it cost ya to play per day online.......a pack of chewing gum cost more than a days worth of Aces high........
so what is more important to you?