I wish there was a warp alert that you could hit similar to the check six call that would send a system message to someone (from any country) who's warping. The message could say something like "A player has reported you warping. We suggest you re-log".
So many people turn off 200 or simply ignore it that typing them a message there is hit or miss.
While it may be abused so something would have to be done to help curb abuse maybe after x number of reports the person is logged off automatically. To curb abuse maybe it's 3 reports by 3 different players over 3 sorties or something. The log off could even be done nicely giving them a system message at the end of their sortie then logging them. "Warping has been reported 3 times. We are now logging you off. You are free to log back on." That would also make it inconvenient for those who might have found a way to do this intentionally. In addition, abuses from either side could be quickly found in log files by the AH staff.