Author Topic: BSOD (blue screen of despair)  (Read 1023 times)

Offline Irwink!

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2007, 09:44:12 PM »
Nah, I don't know your machine but somewhere on the first or one of the first screens that come up at boot there will be instruction to hit a certain key to enter bios configuration. Remember the message may not be exactly the same on all machines and the key you press to enter bios may not be F1 - the exact message and key vary from machine to machine. Also remember that the message may appear only for a second or two during the boot process.

Offline Oogly50

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2007, 02:53:20 PM »
nothing... even tried restarting the computer 12 times and pressing every f# button there is on every screen.
There was once a saying that goes "If you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with an infinite amount of typewriters, eventually they will produce something worth reading."

The internet has proved this wrong.

Offline Krusty

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2007, 12:40:35 PM »
Most common BIOS entry keys are F1, F2, and DEL

Sometimes if you have a splash image on the screen you can hit ESC or TAB to clear it and see what the BIOS is saying (sometimes, not always)

Offline Oogly50

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2007, 12:48:25 PM »
I've also been attacked by a virus that keeps asking me to download an anti-spyware program. But after reading up on it, found out that it would just kill my computer even further. When I do actually play more than 5 minutes on AH, I get the little bubble that pops up, and then it shuts down aces high. I'll be getting rid of that.

And on top of everything ELSE. A video driver I recently tried to update, supposedly had something 'wrong' with it, and now it uninstalls itself regularly every day or so. I tried reinstalling it, but now.. it won't install.

My computer's a handfull.

Oh and, I managed to get into my BIOS screen, but I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking at.
There was once a saying that goes "If you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with an infinite amount of typewriters, eventually they will produce something worth reading."

The internet has proved this wrong.

Offline Krusty

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2007, 12:51:16 PM »
There should be a page in the BIOS that tells you the current hardware "sensors" output. It should list voltages for things like vcore, +5v, +12v, and some others, as well as temperature readouts.

That info could help.

On the other hand, I think you need to back up your personal files, FORMAT C: and start over with a fresh install.

Offline Oogly50

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2007, 12:52:54 PM »
For my video driver?  

How would I do all that?

Sorry if I'm being a handful.
There was once a saying that goes "If you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with an infinite amount of typewriters, eventually they will produce something worth reading."

The internet has proved this wrong.

Offline Krusty

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2007, 01:02:42 PM »
Originally posted by Oogly50
For my video driver?  

How would I do all that?

Sorry if I'm being a handful.

No, not for your video driver. The page in the BIOS will have readouts for the motherboard and CPU.

The backup isn't about the vid driver, it's about a PC that's infested so bad you can't get it to do what it is supposed to do. Probably the best way to do this (and insure you get it all cleaned out) is to reformat and reinstall windows.

However, that wipes all your personal files (photoshop, e-mail, broswer favorites, you name it) and all these need to be backed up.

*If* you go with the wipe/reinstall option.

Download and install:
spybot search and destroy
avg (an anti-virus)

They are all free.

Run the first 2 and see how many things you can clean out.
If that doesn't help, install the AVG. You may have to remove or disable your existing AV software -- not that it was doing its job anyways!

Then run a full HD scan with AVG (this could take hours), and clean/delete any viruses it finds.

Offline Oogly50

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2007, 01:11:15 PM »
I have all three of those already :)  

I'll run the scans and edit this post when they're done.
There was once a saying that goes "If you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with an infinite amount of typewriters, eventually they will produce something worth reading."

The internet has proved this wrong.

Offline Krusty

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2007, 01:12:42 PM »
Make sure you choose the "full system scans" instead of the lesser, faster, scans.

Offline gpwurzel

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2007, 01:16:40 PM »
Oogly, run your scans in safe mode fella, that way you can delete them straight away, as they wont delete if they are doing things (you'll get a pop up saying that). If you find you cant get rid of them all............I'd go with Krusty's idea and do a full install.......any, and I mean any, files you save off your puter to disk/cd/whatever, ensure you do a full virus scan on them before even thinking of putting them back me on this one...seen it done sooo many times and had to put the puter to rights afterwards.......

Hope you get it sorted fella...

I'm the worst pilot ingame ya know!!!

It's all unrealistic crap requested by people who want pie in the sky actions performed without an understanding of how things work and who can't grasp reality.

Offline Krusty

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BSOD (blue screen of despair)
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2007, 01:40:24 PM »
Wurzel brings up a very good point. Some viruses are malicious and aggressive, and spread themselves in many places to prevent removal. If you back up any data, make sure you scan it before copying it over to the re-installed hard-drive (from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM or whatever)