Author Topic: fiml viewer using 100% CPU and 200+M of ram  (Read 279 times)

Offline Wingnutt

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fiml viewer using 100% CPU and 200+M of ram
« on: January 14, 2008, 11:26:36 PM »
its rather annoying, I have a relatively high end machine.. run the game fully maxxed out at well over 60FPS in any situation.

but I open a 814kb file with the vier and my CPU usage goes to 100%, check task manager and the film viewer is using between 100 and sometimes over 200MB of ram..

changing views.. ESPECIALLY going to full screen is agonizingly slow.. and even sometimes hangs.

what gives?

also what is VERY VERY irritating,  is when in full screen mode.. there are no hotkeys to control playback..

and switching from windowed to full unloads and then reloads all the textures..

so i click play.. and it starts playing, hit full screen and have to sit and wait for all the textures.. to reload again.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 11:30:18 PM by Wingnutt »

Offline Denholm

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fiml viewer using 100% CPU and 200+M of ram
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 12:30:12 PM »
I have a rather low-end machine, never had these types of issues. And the keys that work in-game to control views work in the FV as well.
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Offline croduh

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fiml viewer using 100% CPU and 200+M of ram
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 12:40:41 PM »
It started happening some time ago, after a certain update, and it affected TE,Ah,FV, there have been some posts about it.

Offline Wingnutt

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fiml viewer using 100% CPU and 200+M of ram
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2008, 06:20:45 PM »
Originally posted by Denholm
I have a rather low-end machine, never had these types of issues. And the keys that work in-game to control views work in the FV as well.

but there is no PLAY, pause.. etc...  

I havent messed with the viewer in a long while, so I dont know if this is a relativly new issue or not, but it really is annying..  using it slows my machine to a crawl..  just having it open.. even if the film isnt playing..

here is a test I just did..

system idle

open film viewer with task manager open

immediatly it jumps to using 84MB of ram and using between 94 and 99% of the cpu..  just sitting there..

this is with NO film loaded.. and the program at idle. no buttons being pressed.. nothing.

opened a 14 second clip,  CPU usage stays at ~95% ram usage goes to 152MB

went to file open..  opened a 4 second clip.  cpu stays the same ram usage jumps to 180MB

opened another clip that is 13 sec, ram usage jumps to 223MB

all the while CPU usage is in he high 90s
