Author Topic: Invasion Front  (Read 466 times)

Offline Kieren

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Invasion Front
« on: July 30, 2000, 05:36:00 PM »
It was a good time, despite the usual last-minute delays (due to walk-ons). The Allied P47D-25's launched with 2x500lbs, rockets, and 100% fuel. The 190A8's launched with 100% fuel and rockets, and the 109G6's with 100% fuel. The absence of bombs for the LW was an accidental omission that would prove costly later...

The LW arrived over V58 first. They attacked the Allied armor near the field to no avail. They began to call for rtb for bombs, then realized the fields were closed- no reups, just rearm and refuel. Some headed back for more rockets, but most waited for the P47's.

The P47's arrived, but their drops were off-target. When they got low, the now lightened LW made short work of them. LW air superiority was complete.

The problem was the focus of the fight was on tanks, and at least 3 Allied tanks were alive. They arrived on V58, and the first was killed. The two reamaining tanks rolled into the hangar and destroyed it- for an Allied victory.

Or so we thought.

It was discovered that the person who dropped the hangar had been in a fighter had later joined as a gunner on a tank. That tanker then left. This was an accidental breach of the ROE, so it turned out to be a default Axis victory. To be fair to the Axis, they all said since two tanks were present in the hangar it would have been an Allied victory anyway (generous indeed), but I think we need to stick to the ROE's as much as possible.  

We did a second frame, but as most of the people had left, Vadr and I were forced to fly/tank. We played Allied, and rolled towards the target.

I should say I might as well drive an ice cream truck as to try to tank- that is about as effective as I am. I have driven tanks in 3 scenarios, and I have yet to see the target.   I did manage to drag sufficient numbers of the bomb-laden LW away from Dago to give him the time to reach the base.

By this time the Axis is low, and the P47's arrive high. This being the -25 there aren't any dive brakes, and I watch the first P47 plow in from 18K. The next one comes in and scores hits on the hangar. Of course he immediately sped away when those nasty drag-inducing wings popped off- S! Vadr!

The fighters chased off what had been left of the P47's, completely ignoring Dago (panzer) until too late. He rolls to the field to close it down- clear but costly Allied victory. He then proceeds to shoot down 4 enemies (could have been more, that's all I saw). Not bad considering the numerical disadvantage the Allies started with in that frame.

It was fun, and I look forward to next week.  


  • Guest
Invasion Front
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2000, 12:32:00 PM »
to vadr and kieren for CM'ing the event. I jumped into the arena with the intention of flying as a nameless, faceless nobody in the back of the allied pack (had barely skimmed the write-up).  I ended up as Allied CO for the first frame! Dad told me when I enlisted to NEVER volunteer...and did I listen? No.

I liked the basic scenario setup, but the ROE's almost guaranteed the allies would win a phyrric victory at best.  According to the instructions, the Jugs could not engage enemy fighters until we had dropped our ord on a target at v56. We launced twice as far away from there as the LW, so our tanks were without aircover for several crucial minutes. When we did get there, we found the LW high above us (having already made their ord drops minutes before).  Being at the front of the pack, I managed to drop my bombs at a nme panzer sitting right on the v46. I then made a low gun pass on one of the base ack and killed it...loosing my engine in the process.  As I tried to ditch amid the cloud of Fw's and 109's, I was hit by two enemy fighters and exploded

As a suggestion, I think either the Jugs should be allowed to launch five minutes before the LW, or allow half the Jugs to jettison A2G ord and engage enemy fighters on contacting them (the normal procedure).  For all that, I would definitely like the chance to do this one again.

Sabre, a.k.a. Rojo
(S-2, The Buccaneers)