Author Topic: todays SE  (Read 518 times)

Offline DRILL

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todays SE
« on: March 10, 2001, 03:30:00 PM »
 WELL WHAT CAN I SAY ITS STILL GOING ON AS I WRITE THIS WE HAD AT LEAST 10 LANCS WE COVERED IN P38S I DIED EARLY   the event as far as i see was a good 1 th LW  had a goon plane they scouted in pairs when they found us they waited till others arrived ..109s engauged p38s 190s hit buffs i thought it was well executed plan by the LW my thoughts >>>.. (1) in this typ event you just need to have at least 3 fighters to 1 buff min we were not able to cover the buffs properly so we lost some very fastincluding me saw 3 p38s chase 1 109 way dn low that hurt   as its was there duty yo protect the bombers when they head for the deck plz guys just let em go   we left too many holes for em to get thru  butt what can ya do we did need more fighter cover for buffs <<<whishfull thinkg on my part   <<<<i guess what im saying is we need to get the #s up a bit more  >>>>>(2) i think if you cot cos for the bomber SQ n 1 for fighters ...we need to be able to try to plan a little futher ahead ..planing at last min it just too hard to get everyone organized as what planes are availble...fuel loads ..and most important the mission it self..where too n so forthn where from as i was bombarded by guys wanting all kinds of info and questions and had only 2 min to go..
     Maybe we can try to ask for volinters ahead of time and they could get there own seconds to help them help promote the event ?? just my thoughts sorry its was so long just felt i needed to say something ..heheh i might be wrong but i would like it to be planed ahed some thats all ..other then that i had a good thime that i had a good time ,,enough from me for now ... all >>and to the LW guys i guess ya did good <S>

Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline gospel

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« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2001, 04:32:00 PM »
Hey Drill,

S! to the escorts, you did well all things considering.

Flying bomber escort is probably the hardest type of mission to fly- always tough, imo  

The bombers did make it to target, some dropped, I got shot down just before the drop (darn that Wilbuz anyway   )

Had fun, we had a good, tight bomber formation going there  

S! to the Lw- good planning on their part.

CO 332nd flying mongrels

Offline DA98

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« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2001, 05:21:00 PM »
You can download a film of the mission here (it's short, only shows the last combat). The most intense combat I had in months!!! "Fear of Death" really adds a lot of inmersion and emotion to the combat. <S> Duckwing and the other LW pilots I fighted with (I don't know who you are     ).

101 Escuadrón de Combate Virtual


[This message has been edited by DA98 (edited 03-10-2001).]

Offline daddog

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« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2001, 06:04:00 PM »
Wish I could have made it, but I had company this weekend.

I hear you drill and would like to have C.O.'s prior to the events. We are trying this with the Check 6 on Sundays and I think it will work out. The numbers for todays event was near 40 so they are climbing ever week.    Will not be long and they will be over 50 again I hope.

What do you all think would the best way to have C.O.'s sign up for the Snapshots or Check 6! events in advance?  Just post for them and see who applies?

Open for suggestions.  
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2001, 06:18:00 PM »
As the lone Lancaster that made it back safely, WOW, what fun!  First SnapShot/Check Six event for me and it was incredible.

Same observation I had with the fighters.  It was nice to see them up high but once the fighters came, they all left and it was just a matter of time before the fighters did their thing to heavy bombers.

It some odd irony, those bombers that were lost early were absorbed as gunners for the remaining ones.  Swoop, who started at flight lead, manned my guns and managed to cover my arse nicely....I made it home without any damage despite taking a few dings.

Looking forward to seeing the scores...where can I find those?

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)

Offline 1776

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« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2001, 07:21:00 PM »
Today I pointed the FW190’s nose into the air and retracted the landing gear.

The hunt has begun.  Looking to the horizon for dots in a radarless world is just what the doctor ordered.

At what altitude would the Lancaster’s be, high or low?  Sancho, our leader, sent us high.  We stayed close to A10 in order to be able to move at a moments notice.  As the drop tank was empty and discarded I asked if  my wingie and I could land and refuel.  As Oldgzr3 and I landed shouts over RW of “Tally-HO”
“bandits” rang out.  Wouldn’t ya know it!!  Asking location and altitude on our climbout we were told that they were 10k above us!!  Finally dots!!!  Grabbing as fast as I could I climbed to those Lancasters.  P-38’s all around coming head on, coming from my starboard and port!!  Faster,faster little 190!!!  Blow by them to the prize up ahead!!    Finally closed in on a Lancaster.  500 or so opened up, no time to look around. Ping! Ping! Ping! Bullets ring out on the little 190!!  She holds, I make her dance alittle to avoid the guns of the Lancaster.  All the time sweat runs down my forehead as I gaze with intense focus for the sprits on the Lancaster.  Smoke!!!  The Lancaster starts to show dark and white smoke.  Victory is close at hand.  If  I can just get a little closer, just a little closer…… WHAT?????   NO BULLETS!!!!    A quick look around finds no enemy in the area so down I go like an elevator to rearm.  Just after takeoff we are told to RTB.
What a day for hunting.  The intensity of the fighting is only matched by the relief of the screech of  the tires at touchdown.

If you haven’t done a Snapshot or a Check Six, you are missing the whole point of AH!!  It is intense and a whole lot of fun!!!    

Offline Ozark

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« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2001, 10:24:00 PM »
I enjoyed reading this thread...great reports.  

I'll have a AAR on Sunday morning after I access the logs. Sorry for the delay...newbie CM here.

I took a few screen shots of the map for you folks. Flying and hunting without radar is rather....Hmmmm, what's the word... exciting.  

This shot is the setup for the Allied supply run.

Here you will find the Axis defensive setup while they hunt for Allied aircraft.

First contact!

Thank to banana and Duckwing for showing me the ropes today. <S>
