I was impudently suggesting that although you do not know the exact regiment you could narrow the division down to 229IAD as being the only other division fully committed to Bagration with 303IAD during late summer of 44.
I note AH has sometimes accepted VVS division references possibly thinking them to be squadrons. (Classic confusion between 9GIAD {Polrishkins Division} and 9GIAP {Alelyukhins Regiment} both of which similarly transitioned from P39's to La7's)
Further impudence was to comment that infact your skin yellow 8 has more credibility than the other rendition. (And I do understand the reasoning)
There were two Rakovs of repute in the "Air army" .
Pilot Rakov died in the Manchurian war and could never be the fellow in the Picture.
Lt Col Vasiliy I. Rakov was incharge of a Pe2 Regiment 12 GvBap July 44 and is credited with many attacks on German/ Finnish naval positions in the Baltic. Rakov was awarded his 2nd HSU for his part in the "sinking" of the Niobe (German flak ship confussed with Finnish battleship). Our fear is that he would have been much publicized and could have had his picture taken infront of other folks aircraft.
I think this is him

Stop press!
Just found this
6IAP [18GV.IAP 07/03/42] LA-5 /04/44 TULA 303 IAD 1AA
and this
523 IAP LA-5 1943-44 303 IAD
http://www.samolet.co.uk/rregs.html here
So we know of at least 2 Regiments of La5's serving in 44 within 303IAD that would have then borne the lightening bolt.
edit now this page puts 18GIAP in Yak3's