Ham, the settings are being tweaked while we are in boot camp for Battle of Aces. I am putting the word out how great the AvA is and how much fun. I expect to see new squads flying AvA this war. AvA staff is doing a great job of looking into past complaints, at the top of their list has to be vulching and milkrunning. If the GPS settings of the current setup will help in either of these cases, I am for it. If they are looking to promote fights, please look at increasing icon range.
The real translation of that "German" is:"Why is the American beer cold, that's being attended? So you can from urin explain"What you gave as translation would read like this in German:"Warum wird das Amerikanische Bier so kalt serviert? Damit man es von Urin unterscheiden kann!" (Usually you would substitute "Urin" with a less noble vocable )