Author Topic: An Idea for a Big Scenario (long)  (Read 423 times)

Offline Dune

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An Idea for a Big Scenario (long)
« on: July 05, 2000, 05:18:00 PM »
Hello everyone.  First off let me say that the thing I love best about WB are the big, organized, scenarios.  I have an idea for a scenario I would like to run by you all.

While I don’t know if AH is able to field a 200 pilot scenario, I know that it would be great if we could do it.  And, the planeset availible matches almost esactly.  So here is the premise for my idea

Operation Cobra
As many of you know, on 25 July 44, the Allied armies launched a full offensive to break out of the Normandy beachead.  They did this with huge amounts of air support, both tactical and strategic.  For example, here a description of operations undertaken by the USAAF on that day:

  STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): Mission 494: 1,581 bombers and 500
fighters are dispatched to support a US First Army assault (Operation COBRA)
with saturation bombing in the VII Corps area in the Marigny-Saint-Gilles
region, just W of Saint-Lo; 5 bombers and 2 fighters are lost; 843 of 917
B-17s and 647 of 664 B-24s hit the Periers/St Lo area and 13 B-17s hit
targets of opportunity; 1 B-17 and 4 B-24s are lost, 2 B-24s are damaged
beyond repair and 41 B-17s and 132 B-24s are damaged; 9 airmen are WIA and 46
MIA. Escort is provided by 483 P-38s, P-47s and P-51s and also provide escort
for Ninth Air Force B-26s; they claim 12-1-3 Luftwaffe aircraft in the air
and 2-0-0 on the ground; 2 P-51s are lost (pilots are MIA) and 5 damaged. Due
to a personnel error, bombs from 35 bombers fall within US lines; 102 US
troops, including Lieutenant General Lesley J McNair, are killed and 380
  Mission 295: Late in the afternoon 106 B-24s are dispatched to bomb the
Brussels/Melsbroek Airfield, Belgium but they are recalled because of heavy
cloud formations. Escort for this mission is provided by 26 P-38s and 110P-51s.
  1 P-38 and 78 P-47s fly a fighter-bomber mission against the Fournival/Bois
de Mont fuel dump; they claim 0-0-1 aircraft; 1 P-38 and 4 P-47s aredamaged.
  17 B-24s fly CARPETBAGGER missions during the night.
  TACTICAL OPERATIONS (Ninth Air Force): In France during the morning 11 B-26
and A-20 groups attack tactical targets in the vicinity of Saint-Lo in
support of the US First Army; in the afternoon 4 groups bomb bridges on the
Seine and Loire Rivers; 42 B-26s, repeating errors of the previous day, short-
bomb behind US lines and casualties again are concentrated in the 30th
Infantry Division; fighters strafe and bomb military targets in the Saint-Lo
area in support of Operation COBRA, fly area patrol and sweeps S of the
battle area, and carry out armed reconnaissance against installations in the
Laval-Ghent-Amiens areas; and the 422d Night Fighter Squadron, 71st Fighter
Wing, moves from Scorton, England to Maupertus with P-61s (a detachment is at
Ford, England).
- from the site History of the
US Air Corp in WWII at

Here are the units I purpose to use (and yes I realize that none of the unit numbers aren’t realistic. They are just there to help organize this thing  )


8th AF
1st BG(H) – 10 x B-17G
2nd BG(H) – 10 x B-17G

1st FG – 8 x P-51D
2nd FG – 10 x P-51D
3rd FG – 10 x P-51D
4th FG – 6 x P-47D

9th AF
3rd BG(M) – B-26B

5th FG – 8 x P-47D
6th FG – 8 x P-47D
7th FG – 10 x P-38J  (P-38L)

1 Sqn – 8 x Typhoon
2 Sqn – 8 x Typhoon
3 Sqn – 8 x Spitfire IX
4 Sqn – 8 x Spitfire IX

JG 1 – 12 x Me 109G6
JG 2 – 12 x Me 109G6
JG 3 – 12 x Me 109G6
JG 4 – 10 x Me 109G10
JG 5 – 6 x Me 109G6RG  (109G6 w/ underwing pods)
JG 6 – 8 x Me 109K  (109G10 w/ 30mm)
JG 7 – 10 x Fw 190A8
JG 8 – 10 x Fw 190A8

SG 1 – 8 x Fw 190F8  (190A8 w/ ord)

- So there are the basic unit sizes.  Of course they could be changed to fit the number of pilots we have availible.

The basic plane would be:
-8th AF BG's, each escorted by 2 FG's, attack major fields or even the city (depends on the arena, I'm not that familiar with it)
-9th AF BG would attack either a smaller field or VF.  I would say that one of the FG's escort the BG while the other two simulate CAS by attacking a VF
-RAF would do both defense of an area and do ground attack of a VF to simulate CAS.
-LW would do defense and perhaps CAS by attacking a VF

An area would be set up in which the commanders can pick the target so the defenders have a basic idea where to set up.

As I said, I don't know if this kind of thing can be run in here yet.  But I do know it would be a blast.  

Lt Col Dune
X.O. 352nd Fighter Group
"The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney"

"Credo quia absurdum est." (I believe it because it is unreasonable)
- The motto of the Republic of Baja Arizona