I will be working.. will check in at noon.
I have been looking forward to this. I may be wrong but it should be a huge thing in the presidential race...
over 95% of the American people know that the second is an individual right. There is only one person running for pres who does not think so and he is the great orator and changer of hope.. osamabama.
If the court agrees with the people it will be great and osambama will have to explain why he was against both the people and the court.. why he was wrong.
If, for some reason the court says it is not an individual right then it will be one of the most discussed issues.. even more so than the other way, of the next few months and osamabama will be put into the spotlight in a most uncomfortable and realistic way... he will be forced to defend an unpopular view of "a bunch of white guys clinging to religion and guns" .. like more than 95% of us.
He is on the wrong side of this issue and no matter which way it goes.. he is gonna have to try to hide from his real views.