Author Topic: Great Fights JG-11  (Read 595 times)

Offline Shifty

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Great Fights JG-11
« on: June 27, 2008, 09:59:26 PM »
Enjoyed em both, the 110/P-38 fight up North, and the 190/P-51 down South.
I was having a grand time until I took a Vater Tater.  :eek:

The clear sky was good to see as well.


JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

"Haji may have blown my legs off but I'm still a stud"~ SPC Thomas Vandeventer Delta1/5 1st CAV

Offline Stampf

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2008, 10:39:51 PM »
Great fun as always.  :aok

<S> Shifty.
<S> 49th FG.
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Offline Shifty

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2008, 10:46:11 PM »
 I have to say Vater is an amazing shot. I don't recall ever getting shot down in the normal sense of the word by him.
I never lose parts, fall to the ground missing a wing. Everytime he gets me it's a pilot kill. No pings no bangs, one second I'm flying the next I'm sitting in the tower saying WTF?  :lol
The guy is always good for one quick trip to the tower. He has to be one of the best shots in the sim.

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

"Haji may have blown my legs off but I'm still a stud"~ SPC Thomas Vandeventer Delta1/5 1st CAV

Offline Stampf

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2008, 10:51:05 PM »
I could never say enough good things about Vater, Shifty.

I was just telling Jester earlier, that when he joined the 11th, I knew I was doing something right.  Not just the amazing pilot skills, but he's a soft spoken, knowledgable very fun guy to be around, and has added so much to our Gruppe.  A true 109 freak, the gunnery comes with the territory and years of experience with hub guns and limited ammo.
- Der Wander Zirkus -
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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2008, 11:02:18 PM »
I played around in a 110

2 to 1 ktd

for me that's a good night :D
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline Odee

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2008, 07:01:54 AM »
I have to say Vater is an amazing shot. I don't recall ever getting shot down in the normal sense of the word by him.
I never lose parts, fall to the ground missing a wing. Everytime he gets me it's a pilot kill. No pings no bangs, one second I'm flying the next I'm sitting in the tower saying WTF?  :lol
The guy is always good for one quick trip to the tower. He has to be one of the best shots in the sim.
Amen to that.  I wish I could sit in his cockpit and see how close he gets before shooting.  Really becomes annoying after a while to be unable to land kills when you get cannoned to death each flight.  This is the worse K/D month I have ever had in AvA or anywhere.

The LW, and specifically the JG-11 and JG-54 have exceptional pilots skills and unit communications/coordination.  You rarely catch only 2 of them in the air at a given time which adds to their effectiveness, and I commend them for this ability.  :salute

Now if only the Allies had more squads like them, we might just win a war for once.

Thanks for the excellent fights guys.
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
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Offline Virage

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2008, 04:09:50 PM »
Thanks for the comments guys.  I appreciate them coming from you.

But you know how this game goes, sometimes you're the Hammer other times you're the Nail.  And the pilots of JG11 cover my mistakes well.

If the Gods have been smiling on me, they have it in for Odee.  A very good pilot that I seem to keep catching in the wrong place at the wrong time. ( for him  :D )

Besides putting too much time in practicing, I like to hold as much speed as possible to drive in close (<200) before opening up with a short burst.  A little time in the TA with the targeting crosshairs also helps once in a while to remind me of the proper site picture.



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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 02:37:59 PM »
Thanks for the comments guys.  I appreciate them coming from you.

But you know how this game goes, sometimes you're the Hammer other times you're the Nail.  And the pilots of JG11 cover my mistakes well.

If the Gods have been smiling on me, they have it in for Odee.  A very good pilot that I seem to keep catching in the wrong place at the wrong time. ( for him  :D )

Besides putting too much time in practicing, I like to hold as much speed as possible to drive in close (<200) before opening up with a short burst.  A little time in the TA with the targeting crosshairs also helps once in a while to remind me of the proper site picture.


Its always my best bet to run like a scared schoolgirl when this guy takes off.  :D
  CALLSIGN: Slider26     49th FG  7th FS.  S.A.P.P P-38 flyer

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Great Fights JG-11
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 02:46:06 PM »
Enjoyed em both, the 110/P-38 fight up North, and the 190/P-51 down South.
I was having a grand time until I took a Vater Tater.  :eek:

The clear sky was good to see as well.


A Vater Tater.   :rofl

You should copyright that.

As Stampf says, Vater speaks softly........

But apparently he has quite the tater !!!
Braümeister und Schmutziger Hund von JG11

We are all here because we are not all there.