I remember us having an argument about this where some of us claimed Bush was responsible for the oil price rise for his actions in the middle east. Yet you same O clubbers went on and on about how Bush doesn't set the price and blahh blahh blahh.. Yet now you turn around and try to blame it all on Democrats in congress.. you guys are classic I tell you it's some funny stuff.
I remember that thread and Bush doesn't set oil prices, neither does Congress. Many things, including the war going on in Iraq can effect the oil prices. Higher demand also effects prices, China and India are using more oil than ever before. That too is driving the price up.
Now when things could be done to help alleviate high gas prices here at home, the President has lifted the executive ban on offshore drilling and Speaker Pelosi is adamantly refusing to do the same. Personally I don't believe the ban should have been put in place to begin with.