Author Topic: External views on buffs and tanks in MA - why ???  (Read 89 times)

Offline Sparks

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External views on buffs and tanks in MA - why ???
« on: September 24, 2000, 03:14:00 AM »
I've started usuing a feature in the MA more - external views.
This especially useful for looking over ridges in tanks and getting range info etc.
But then I thought "why do we have this ability??". It struck me when I realised that there is no point in laying down a smoke screen because the oppo just goes external and looks over the top.
Similarly in buffs - you won't be able to creep up under a Lanc as the pilot just steps outside and has a look around.
For me the availabilty of external views on ANY vehicle in the MA in counter productive but I have been proved wrong on other things - someone convince me it's a good thing - what's everyone else's opinion??

Offline Replicant

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External views on buffs and tanks in MA - why ???
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2000, 03:57:00 AM »
Hiya Sparks

Yup, been discussed a lot before.  I think someone mentioned that with tanks you'd normally have a recon party.  But I use external so I can see where the enemy are, otherwise there might not be any tank battle at all as I might be driving in the other direction.  As for smoke, I can't say I use it much at all.  I'd sooner use my shots trying to kill a tank rather than putting smoke down.  I think that if they made the pnzr/ostwind a different colour then external view would be a lot less effective.  Usually you can only see them because they shine at about 4k away.  Also if we had proper obstacles, ie, trees, ditches, rivers, hedges, marshland etc., then you could use the terrain a lot more.

External buff views.  Well, I guess it's just there to make the pilots life a little easier.  As you know you'd normally have several gunners relaying information to the pilot and also manning the guns for you - I think it would be too slow to actually go through all the turrets in order to check for contact whereas external you can view nearly all views in one swoop.  Additionally when being attacked by two planes you can only really track one plane with guns.  I think that is a good compromise for having an external view.

Cyas up soon


PS  Tried giving you a ring, will try again in the week!