Author Topic: stick mapping  (Read 149 times)


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stick mapping
« on: October 15, 1999, 02:46:00 PM »
HTC, would it be possible to change the way stick mapping works from assigning buttons to functions, to assigning functions to buttons? The difference is, that currently I cannot assign the same function to two or more buttons. For example, I'm used to the base buttons of my sidewinder working as a 4 way hat, simply because in a dogfight is easier to hold the view with the base button then with the real hat. I can do this with the profiler, but then I loose the stick set functionality..

Offline hitech

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stick mapping
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 1999, 05:52:00 PM »
It's not possible to assign 2 functions to 1 button.

Can you describe exactly what your trying to do in your setup?


Offline hitech

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« Reply #2 on: October 15, 1999, 05:55:00 PM »
Im not positve but i think you want to assign 2 different buttons to the same function. If this is the case I belive you can do that manualy in the .kmp file but I havn't tested it.



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stick mapping
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 1999, 08:25:00 PM »
HT. What the SW people want is a (toggel) stick set. Like WB. once u press a base button, you cannot use any other button. The Shift button on the SW is not programable. But that is by far the handyist button to access the next set of buttons, because it is the only button you can press and use another button at the same time.  IN WB I set this button to stick set 2. then in stick set 2 i set it for stick set 1. The result is a smooth transiation from up view to up forward view. And I can use all the other buttons at the same time . for trim and flaps ect.

BTW "use stick set 1 2 3 4 " does not work in WB either. It has to be "toggel steck set 1 2 3 4 "

Offline Mark Luper

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« Reply #4 on: October 16, 1999, 08:29:00 AM »
TT, you should be able to do that here too. I can set the same button to choose different stick sets by just telling the program what I want it to do in the setup utility. You do have to have each stick set chosen at the top of the screen to do it...

I don't use the SW, I use the CH Combat stick and there may be an issue there I'm not aware of, but since I setup the same thing in WB, I was able to set it up the same in AH.


Keep the shiny side up!


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stick mapping
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 1999, 04:20:00 AM »
HiTech, I gave the.kmp files a try, and it works, thx! But only once, then AH overwrites my settings with some others, for example, stickset1 previously assinged to buttton 3 becomes fireboth and so on, quite strange..
What I'm trying to do is infact assigning the same function to two different buttons, example with my sidewinder: base button 5 and hat-forwardleft both should have the function 'look forward left'. This cant be done right now in the stick mapper, because the logic there is to have functions to which assign buttons to, unlike, if you dont mind, WB where one has buttons to which assign functions to.

PS: stick set messages wanted  

[This message has been edited by Spotz (edited 10-17-1999).]


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stick mapping
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 1999, 01:29:00 PM »
Spotz. I have pre pro also. MY button 3 does the sme thing. Others have reported the samae thing. Im not sure what u r trying to do. But I would use any other button but 3. I have to reset it every time i go into the game. SJo I just wrote it off. If you use the SW profiler. you can just program it normally.

Offline phaetn

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« Reply #7 on: October 17, 1999, 10:18:00 PM »
I have a MS FFPro.

I can program the "shift" base button by in AH since it is mapped as Button 10.

I can also map different stick sets and assign them to a button.  It is easy to press the shift button and have it switch to stick set two, and then press the shift button again to have it switch back to stick set one if you map it.

What it won't do is only temporarily switch to a stick set while a button is pressed down and revert to a default when it is let go.


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stick mapping
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 1999, 02:05:00 AM »
PS: stick set messages wanted

Please make that togglable i.e. let me choose
if I want to see them or not.

Also, there is an idea that was played with
in WB some time ago: Have all system messages
(like kill awarded to... etc) be displayed
in a 2nd window so the text buffer really
only has the pilot communications. The
sysmsg window would be togglable on and off
and with AH's ability to place the buffers
(text buffers that is   ) where you want,
I like that idea.

HT - doable?

Dancer out.