Author Topic: speed of information  (Read 300 times)

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speed of information
« on: October 19, 2008, 02:46:00 PM »
Just reading another post and a question I've had for a while now is, does the speed of another player have an effect on your end of things. At times I have real trouble hitting a particular person dis engage find a new target same area of play same sortie etc etc and find the target as it should have been in the previous encounter. Also working the other way where I will come to a merge, pass, come up and start to come over the top and boom dead, obviously I was fired upon at the merge but my merge wasn't theirs. I have tried to ask the person that these things happen with at the time if I am warping to them and also try to find out where they are situated but there doesn't seem to be any relating factor to global positioning. So as asked do the two players speeds have effects on these situations. Also just to add this can happen when only 2-3 players are in an area at the same time.


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Re: speed of information
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 08:55:37 PM »
I don't know but I do the same thing. If I see some moves that just seem a little odd I move to another area.

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