Shrek has an interesting idea by splitting up into 2v2 groups, but that might go agianst the idea of a squad KOTH, as it would be wingman pairs until the rumble zone. I'd try it, if other folks like the idea. Perhaps rotation is the best answer to sandbagging, but odd numbered squads will be an issue until we figure out something that works well.
I think that this idea may have another benefit in that it forces squads to have as many competent flyers as possible and not just living off 1 or 2 good sticks. Each flight of 2 would need to have some winging skills to advance, and the rumble area would still be about squad competition for those members who advance to it!
rotation may work, but I think you will always have 1 squad coming in to the fight a little late after the other 2 are engaged giving the late squad enormous advantage. I just can't see how we get around this problem other than 1 squad vs 1 squad.
Same planes would allow the perk rides to be added! a dozen 500 mph jets sluggin it out would be a HOOT
Also odd #d squads would be less of an issue with a 2v2v2 " FIGHT OFF " before rumble arena.