Author Topic: Help with the Pony (Specifically, against a Tiffie or Temp)  (Read 1149 times)

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Re: Help with the Pony (Specifically, against a Tiffie or Temp)
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2008, 07:35:07 AM »
Tippys and Tempests are pretty easy to beat with a pony, but you have to be smart about it and bait them. Always keep the pony fast, 1st and foremost so you have the E to climb. Try to come in above him and tease the tippy to come up after you. Tippys are not good up high and thats where you want to fight these guys.

They can be spanked down low but it's alot more of a battle because he's faster, can turn better, and you're out gunned. One mistake with a Tippy in a knife fight and you'll be in the tower.

Once you got your speed and alt up make several passes at him from 9 to 3 oclock and slowly climb. He'll have to turn 90 degrees to get on your six and climb up with you. Don't let your speed get below 300 IAS at this point. Allow him to keep his speed up so he feels comfortable following you up. Remember, the higher he goes the easier it'll be for you. If he starts to roll over and stall, hit a notch of flaps and Split S and take your shot. But stay fast incase you miss, and climb back up. Do not get into a looping fight with the tippy. You're just setting yourself up to die by HO.

Always try to keep the tippys in a slow left hand climb. He'll be working against his torque and playing into yours.Fly a tippy or tempest for awhile to see how it handles. What it likes and what it doesn't. Then use those things against him.

I'm not very good at explaining this stuff but hope you kind of got a general idea. It's basically BnZ and rope them for the most part. Every situation is different and there's no set rules for this stuff. But I can say that when I get killed be a tippy or tempest, it's usually something stupid I did rather then something smart the other guy did.  :salute
Lighten up Francis