Author Topic: Arena and Field settings guide??  (Read 108 times)

Offline Exile

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Arena and Field settings guide??
« on: August 02, 2000, 12:27:00 PM »
Hey guys,

Are there any descriptions of how to use the various settings? Most of the Arena settings are pretty straight forward, but the Field settings area is a bit confusing.

Can somebody help clear this up for me?

Offline Kieren

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Arena and Field settings guide??
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2000, 02:05:00 PM »
I can. E-mail me for and give me your specific questions.  

Offline Exile

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Arena and Field settings guide??
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2000, 05:01:00 PM »
OK ... say I wanted to setup the arena in the following way:

1. The default time is 12 noon.

2. The only fields available are A17 (Bishops) and A27 (Knights).

3. A17 - only Allied planes are available. No bombers or vehicles.

4. A27 - only Axis planes are available. No bombers or vehicles.

When I look in the Field Settings function, I only see buttons for "Disable All" and "Enable All" for both the fields and planes. Sometimes the choices in the dropdown turn green, sometimes they are bold and most often just normal. What does all this mean?

I know I can't be the only one who doesn't know how to use these functions. Or at least I hope not.  

Offline Kieren

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Arena and Field settings guide??
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2000, 09:25:00 PM »

Time is easy...

.time 12 0 0
       ^   ^
       |   |
     Time  |

The GUI, I think, I have sorted out.

Let's say you want to set up a field for a specific plane. You pick A1, look at the menu. On the left you select "A1". Since you wanted to disable all but one plane, you hit "Disable All"... then you notice that the whole menu on the left changed to a light green. On the right, all planes appear in black. You then move to the right menu and select SpitV, hit enable plane, and notice that when you move the cursor off of it, SpitV is now that funny shade of green, just like all the field choices were earlier. Hmmm...

Then you decide to test your setting. You go to A1, and sure enough, the SpitV is the only plane launching. You then go and try to launch from another field, one you supposedly didn't touch- but you can't launch!

What I think happened in the above case is that, when you select "Disable All" you do exactly that- on all the fields. You then have to go and manually reset each field individually, or hit "Enable All" and individually disable each plane at the particular field you want to modify. That means, go to the GUI, select A1 on the right, select the first plane on the list on the right, hit "Disable Plane" and repeat all the way down the list. You will know the plane is disabled because the name will be in black type. The plane you wish to use must be in green type when you leave. Be sure to save your settings, then exit the GUI.

Try your field. It works!