Author Topic: So here I am minding my own business...  (Read 1693 times)

Offline Shane

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Re: So here I am minding my own business...
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2008, 01:46:22 PM »
You can't difuse one who is directly trying ruin the game play of others. I was ganged, picked whatever by the thread starter but oh well. Not going to write my congresman about it.
Shane you said I could .squelch you and you are correct. I should have.
You on the other hand could have PM'ed Tbar to work this out without making such an episode out of it.
You call me a noob, whatever, but Im thinking with the "Your name in lights" turned off you were just trying to get the majority to notice you. "Hey look at me everyone I killed several peps - I have vidio".

lordy....  we're all enjoying a nice quiet time doing 1 v 1's with the "man-code"... some frustrated JG who got beat 5 straight times comes back for a cheap pick - firing or not (he'd have missed anyway) -  forcing me to at least respond to the threat presented, thereby "ruining" *my* 1 v 1 in progress.

I see,  *I'm* the responsible party...  ooooookay.  See your squad is so blinded and obsessed with me that I can never do anything but wrong, when you're failing to realize you guys carry even more of the load in this. I'm just *one* guy, afterall.

I don't do PM's... I come from the camp of name and shame. What tbarone did, deserved it, especially with JG54's recent, let's all play warm and fuzzy with this "man-code."  I haven't cared about scores or name in lights in ages - look at my landed sorties numbers. Nice red herring, tho.'

Funny how not one of you have come down on tbarone for either violating the "man-code" YOU guys keep referring to on the forums.  Nor with his comments to me, which were way more "insulting" than me asking him to man up to his motivations.

All I see are a bunch of skwaddies circling the wagons (luftberry - more contextual, eh?) I think overall you guys have been involved with more in-game and forum drama than I have been, moreso if you factor in your MW skwad and related drama?

I expected nothing less from ya'll really.  Just proves my point from a post a day or 2 ago, lol.

Are you saying what Tbarone did wasn't childish and petty?  Or are you standing by his actions?  Man up, now, and let us know.   :aok
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