Author Topic: Well I for one had a great time last night  (Read 550 times)

Offline Getback

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Well I for one had a great time last night
« on: December 31, 2008, 12:39:21 PM »
Didn't start out that way though. I was lethargic at first. Ever notice that lethargic has almost the full word lethal in it? But on with my tale. In my first three ups I got shot down twice while trying to defend a base. Nice shooting AKs. I did however get a kill each time. Then the next flight I crashed while killing troops. Uhg!! So I log to go get some diet coke. Get back and rethink what have I done to my computer recently. The screen was freezing at really critical times. So I check the dxdiag and it seems okay. Then I remember I was playing with the video card settings earlier. Adjust the settings back and that seemed to help enormously. I then up my trusty f4u1a and head out for some action. I spot 2 low spits over 66. Thinking I don't want them teaming up I drive one away or was he leaving anyway. I then do a very high G split S probably reaching over 500 mph and head straight for the other spit. Made a sweet move on him and took him out. Being low on fuel I land and rearm. By then there is a mission coming in. So I waddle down he runway and finally get lift and grab east. When I reach about 12k I return to see what the mission was all about. I thought it would be buffs. Nope it was p51s just looking for some action. <S> FB's (Is that Freebirds) There were 3 or 4 on the deck and 1 4k above me and another 2k below me and about 3.5k out. So I figure the high one would inin me just as soon as I got tangled with the nearest p51. I engage anyway. He makes a bad move and I get him fairly fast. I really thought he would run. Still there's the really high 51 and I want the ones on the deck so bad. I resist temptation and the p51 inins me. He has too much e and I easily avoid the pass. I then level out and eventually grab some alt and go looking for the high p51. Seems he dove to the deck to help his mates. So here's my chance to finally go after the low p51s. By the time I get there only 2 are left. I make a good timing move and dive to the nearest p51s 6 and ping him lightly. He makes a hard turn that the fu1a can't handle at the speed I was going so I nose up a bit and hit right rudder to burn a tiny bit of E. While trying to gain a firing solution I noticed the second 51 is trying to gain a solution on me. Quickly I calculate that he 1 probably can't and 2 the friendlies will probably take him out first. Right on both accounts. But it was close. I have the screen shots. I continue my the quest of my prey. Finally when I am certain I can get a good lock on him I hit one notch of flaps and that brings him perfectly into my firing solution. But darn a friendly makes his way into the fray and my gun sights. However the friendly is banking left the p51 is banking right. So the friendly will be swinging wide left giving me a clear shot. The friendly was just a hair lower than the 51. So I adjusted my aim up a hair and fire over the friendly nailing the p51s rudder. Then when the friendly swings wide as anticipated I open up on the p51 hitting his left wing and then moving to his engine. He lost an aileron and his engine but didn't explode as I thought he would. Eventually he glides to the sea and his polished off by several friendlies. I get the kill though. I knew I had hit him plenty enough to do so. Then I head to 68 where my squaddies were duking it out. When I get there I see a cv off shore throwing puffy ack at me. Hit me once. Looking for the right target I see a spit climbing up to take a shot at a1a1a1. So I dive in, chop throttle and take him out. I then climb back out and try to get another pick. There's a nice fat 38 that had just taken off. Yummy. I pounce on him and he burns nicely. Finally low on fuel I think I will go after one more. I see an A8 on the deck and he's at the right angle too. So I dive on him but he see's me and makes a hard right turn. I see a bunch of shots hit near his canopy. But it's way past time to leave since I am now on reserve fuel. So I head back to base. Now I'm not sure if I got the A8 or a proxy kill on a ground vehicle but kill #6 popped up. There were like 20 tanks on the ground. Thank goodness none were werbles since I was on the deck.

Now some of the naysayers will tell you I am bragging about picks. So be it. All I am saying it was a blast.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 01:06:22 PM by Getback »

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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 01:08:02 PM »
Paragraphs?  My eyes are like this: :eek: :lol
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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2008, 01:23:53 PM »
  I rarely read such a long post but the story kept my eyes glued to the screen. It was a great night last night with large battles. We (Rooks) defended a-209 (I think that was the Island) successfully against 3 CV groups at once. Also a large GV and air battle in the South West. It's satisfying to have a successful flight and not put yourself into bad situations. Be Smart and Destroy the enemy any way possible. Let the winers have at it. :rock 
I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 03:28:42 PM »
Good to hear that Getback, I too had a blast last night  :salute
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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2008, 03:53:32 PM »
  I rarely read such a long post but the story kept my eyes glued to the screen. It was a great night last night with large battles. We (Rooks) defended a-209 (I think that was the Island) successfully against 3 CV groups at once. Also a large GV and air battle in the South West. It's satisfying to have a successful flight and not put yourself into bad situations. Be Smart and Destroy the enemy any way possible. Let the winers have at it. :rock 


glue is really really bad for your eyes.  :D
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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 04:07:14 PM »
Too much to read nuff said :salute
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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 04:08:04 PM »
Oh my god MY EYES!  :cry

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

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Offline Getback

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 04:21:10 PM »
 :rock Yeah, was a tad long. But I was so excited. My poor squadies had a longer version. Which explains why they didn't read it. And I fully expected Zazen to be the first to ring in with break that up.

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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 04:22:28 PM »
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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 06:32:53 PM »
What could be more fun than picking, vulching, and being a pansy? I guess being in a squad of like-minded folks!

And hit enter every once in a while. Typing like you're not a mongoloid isn't all that difficult.
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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2008, 07:02:51 PM »
Wall of text shoots you down.
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Offline TEShaw

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 11:53:27 PM »
I was gonna read this:

But it's complete idiocy ...paragraphs (they be nice.)

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2009, 01:01:44 AM »
Well, I started to read it but ran into a wall of text.   :O
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Getback

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Re: Well I for one had a great time last night
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2009, 01:05:24 AM »
Didn't start out that way though. I was lethargic at first. Ever notice that lethargic has almost the full word lethal in it? But on with my tale. In my first three ups I got shot down twice while trying to defend a base. Nice shooting AKs. I did however get a kill each time. Then the next flight I crashed while killing troops. Uhg!!

So I log to go get some diet coke. Get back and rethink what have I done to my computer recently. The screen was freezing at really critical times. So I check the dxdiag and it seems okay. Then I remember I was playing with the video card settings earlier. Adjust the settings back and that seemed to help enormously.

I then up my trusty f4u1a and head out for some action. I spot 2 low spits over 66. Thinking I don't want them teaming up I drive one away or was he leaving anyway. I then do a very high G split S probably reaching over 500 mph and head straight for the other spit. Made a sweet move on him and took him out. Being low on fuel I land and rearm. By then there is a mission coming in. So I waddle down he runway and finally get lift and grab east.

When I reach about 12k I return to see what the mission was all about. I thought it would be buffs. Nope it was p51s just looking for some action. <S> FB's (Is that Freebirds) There were 3 or 4 on the deck and 1 4k above me and another 2k below me and about 3.5k out. So I figure the high one would inin me just as soon as I got tangled with the nearest p51. I engage anyway. He makes a bad move and I get him fairly fast. I really thought he would run. Still there's the really high 51 and I want the ones on the deck so bad. I resist temptation and the p51 inins me. He has too much e and I easily avoid the pass.

I then level out and eventually grab some alt and go looking for the high p51. Seems he dove to the deck to help his mates. So here's my chance to finally go after the low p51s. By the time I get there only 2 are left. I make a good timing move and dive to the nearest p51s 6 and ping him lightly. He makes a hard turn that the fu1a can't handle at the speed I was going so I nose up a bit and hit right rudder to burn a tiny bit of E. While trying to gain a firing solution I noticed the second 51 is trying to gain a solution on me. Quickly I calculate that he 1 probably can't and 2 the friendlies will probably take him out first. Right on both accounts. But it was close. I have the screen shots. I continue my the quest of my prey. Finally when I am certain I can get a good lock on him I hit one notch of flaps and that brings him perfectly into my firing solution. But darn a friendly makes his way into the fray and my gun sights. However the friendly is banking left the p51 is banking right. So the friendly will be swinging wide left giving me a clear shot. The friendly was just a hair lower than the 51. So I adjusted my aim up a hair and fire over the friendly nailing the p51s rudder. Then when the friendly swings wide as anticipated I open up on the p51 hitting his left wing and then moving to his engine. He lost an aileron and his engine but didn't explode as I thought he would. Eventually he glides to the sea and his polished off by several friendlies. I get the kill though. I knew I had hit him plenty enough to do so.

Then head to 68 where my squadies were duking it out. When I get there I see a cv off shore throwing puffy ack at me. Hit me once. Looking for the right target I see a spit climbing up to take a shot at a1a1a1. So I dive in, chop throttle and take him out. I then climb back out and try to get another pick. There's a nice fat 38 that had just taken off. Yummy. I pounce on him and he burns nicely. Finally low on fuel I think I will go after one more. I see an A8 on the deck and he's at the right angle too. So I dive on him but he see's me and makes a hard right turn. I see a bunch of shots hit near his canopy. But it's way past time to leave since I am now on reserve tanks. So I head back to base. Now I'm not sure if I got the A8 or a proxy kill on a ground vehicle but kill #6 popped up. There were like 20 tanks on the ground. Thank goodness none were werbles since I was on the deck.

Now some of the naysayers will tell you I am bragging about picks. So be it. All I am saying it was a blast.

Okay, I broke it up some. Not exactly to natural paragraphs but a little easier to read. In the future I will try to remember to do this up front. Really appreciate the pointers even though they were a little rough.  :eek:

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