Author Topic: a fix for most MS stick problems!  (Read 112 times)


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a fix for most MS stick problems!
« on: October 28, 1999, 10:14:00 AM »
Runstang made a poll yestarday to figure out why he didnt have problems but many did... this is what he found out.

his version of stick drivers and others with MS that did not have these problems is 3.02.

those who said they had problems had 3 awnsers "not sure" and "2.0" and "3.0"

well one reason MS had updated these is cause of small mili spikes. nothing that would normaly effect game play. but in cases where true smooth movement was needed it would slightly bounce. thus in here you get the "dont move your stick so rapidly" or somethign like that.

please go get the updated driver. they are the 3.02 and came out 10/8/98. EVEN IF YOU BOUGHT YOUR STICK WELL AFTER THIS (even if you got it yestarday) many times sticks are placed in warehouses, sit on shelves for ever. make sure you have the current ones.



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a fix for most MS stick problems!
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 1999, 10:18:00 AM »
ALSO (almost forgot). you can increase a small amount of frame rates buy right clicking on the profiler in the system tray and unloading it. (shouldnt need any more profiling then whats in the game already) I usualy didnt have mine running but during tests I ran it and found my frame rates dropped 3 when running it. at current version thats a 10% - 15% drop!