Author Topic: Arty: calling fire coordinate system  (Read 442 times)

Offline flakbait

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Arty: calling fire coordinate system
« on: June 03, 2000, 01:09:00 AM »
Here's an idea for putting fire on something/someone   Use a basic coordinate system, and equip the arty with better maps. Say you could punch up the entire grid square F4 is in. From that, you'd have the usual number coordinate system to direct fire from.

E.G.(over RW): "Steel rain, Hotel 4. Gimme one round Willy Pete at X-ray 871904, Yankee 113617. Round fired on-call, over"

Or something to that effect. Just imagine planes trying to fly under the arty trying to cap a field! Now wouldn't that get your blood pumping!


"Therefore; if able, appear unable, if active, appear not active, if near, appear far, if far, appear near. If they have advantage, entice them; if they are confused, take them, if they are substantial, prepare for them, if they are strong, avoid them, if they are angry, disturb them, if they are humble, make them haughty, if they are relaxed, toil them, if they are united, separate them."
Sun Tzu: The Art of War

Offline MarkVZ

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Arty: calling fire coordinate system
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2000, 10:22:00 AM »
The problem with coordinates is that someone on the other side of the map can be calling in arty strikes with precision on a field he isn't anywhere near.  I love the way they did it in Dawn of Aces... you fire a spotting round and it lands near you, and you must give it directions and distances to correct.  It is also off a little each time, which adds realism to it.  Once you're satisfied with where your spotting round landed, you hit .barrage and it sends in 20 or so shells at the location you gave it.  
With your coordinate system, what would the point of bombers be when you could just take of in an L4 and start pounding a field as soon as your wheels leave the ground.
The arty sites would make a nice strat target for bombers to hit.  I remember directing arty to the arty guns in DOA  

Mark VanZwoll
33rd Strike Group