I have had recent issues with a bug in the B17. This bug tends to kill either the drones, or the plane you are actually controlling.
Me and my squad were doing a strategic bomb run in the Blue Arena one night. We constantly make adjustments in our flight, as formation flying requires that. Here is what happened:
1) I was in my #5 gun position of my B17. (The middle plane, that is...)
2) I was leveled out around 20k feet on auto pilot control.
3) Knowing that my squadron needed to gain some more altitude, I reengaged autoclimb, at a fixed speed of 120.
*Note: I was still in my #5 position the whole time as I was doing this.*
4) Once my bombers initiated autoclimb, my middle bomber just exploded.
There was another situation similar to this one. My squaddie was in one of the gun positions while making speed adjustments on autoclimb. He had reengaged autoclimb once, and it destroyed his two drones, leaving the middle bomber to fend for itself.
Anyone know what the problem might be?