Displayed Formulas, Period 3, etc. are the names I gave the worksheets, Hence the apostrophe. I just merely typed an equal sign and then clicked the cells in the worksheets I wanted. Actually just did this to the first individual and dragged down for the rest.
Bob ='Period 3'!F6+'Period 2'!E6+'Period 1'!D6
Ted ='Period 3'!F7+'Period 2'!E7+'Period 1'!D7
Sue ='Period 3'!F8+'Period 2'!E8+'Period 1'!D8
Juan ='Period 3'!F9+'Period 2'!E9+'Period 1'!D9
Shirley ='Period 3'!F10+'Period 2'!E10+'Period 1'!D10
Sally ='Period 3'!F11+'Period 2'!E11+'Period 1'!D11
Killer ='Period 3'!F12+'Period 2'!E12+'Period 1'!D12
Myman ='Period 3'!F13+'Period 2'!E13+'Period 1'!D13
Total =SUM(E6:E14)
Verify ='Period 3'!F15+'Period 2'!E15+'Period 1'!D15
Same data with formulas hidden
Sales Commissions
Bob $275.00
Ted $495.00
Sue $256.00
Juan $257.00
Shirley $258.00
Sally $300.00
Killer $722.00
Myman $1,755.00
Total $4,318.00
Verify $4,318.00