Author Topic: No more singin! AKA Pushin too hard!  (Read 362 times)

Offline wrag

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No more singin! AKA Pushin too hard!
« on: November 25, 2009, 08:25:00 PM »
I can't trust what I see on my monitor part of the time in AHII.

I'm losing about 1/10 of a second maybe even less part of the time.  What I see is NOT what the computer records either.  I threatened to film my monitor and compare the saved games to the vid but....

Anyways part of the time I see I shoot and they suddenly aren't where I see em or the shot passes right through em with NO results, and this is NOT consistent.... I change lead to hit and suddenly I'm hitting but then next time the lead is TOO MUCH or worse still to little.

The more people online the worse this gets.

Not sure... figure it's a combination of server lag, net lag, etc....

I've talked with Skuzzy about it for YEARS!

Talked with AT&T for YEARS!  (ya right forget it nadda done even with PingPlotter info sent)

My Squad has listen to me for years!

Some of you have sen my post for YEARS!

Tried everything, stopping progs, Alacrity, turning EVERYTHING off, including spending money on new components and even a new computer.

Nothing helped UNTIL AT&T did the upgrade at HTC then for a very short time I could trust what I saw.  If you don't believe that just look at the score I got for that tour.

It has SEEMED to get worse with each new patch HTC has added since that AT&T upgrade.

Oh I can still fly and fight IF I restrict myself to very early mornings my time.  THEN what I see is what IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.  Then I shoot I hit and down they go.  But MA arena numbers are around 100, 20 and such.

But why?  Best times are when the most are on............

So a quick note.........

It is possible to ride the edge TOO CLOSE, to push your customers too HARD, too lose site of enjoyment for the eyecandy.

Really loved AHI wasn't real pretty but it WORKED!  No hacks no cheats and it was CONSISTENT! 

AHII and the relocation is when it seemed  to start, the connection lag issues that is.  Been a slow gradual downhill with occasional ups here and there ever since.

Best to you all....  :salute

I quite...............

Had some great fights, and flew with and against some great sticks, OH and the ones that shot me down CHEATED!  :old:  :neener: :neener: :neener:  :bolt:
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline Vulcan

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Re: No more singin! AKA Pushin too hard!
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 08:28:44 PM »
I'm located 7583 miles (give or take a few) from HTC, and it works fine for me.


Offline MajWoody

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Re: No more singin! AKA Pushin too hard!
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2009, 08:37:53 PM »
I have been having trouble with what I call, Ghost bullets since the new version came out. My tracers seem to pass right through planes without doing any damage or getting hit sprites. I have v sinc on as advised by many. Still same problem. It is not consistant for me either. My conn seems to be stable when it happens. No spikes or anything. Tracerout shows no lost packets or huge jumps in ping times per hop.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 08:43:41 PM by MajWoody »
Lets keep the stupid to a minimum.
Old Age and Treachery, will overcome youth and skill EVERYTIME

Offline stodd

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Re: No more singin! AKA Pushin too hard!
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 09:36:35 PM »
Are you quitting? I hope not. :(
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.