I think the key is that we dont use the "dot dar in the tower" feature in every FSO. Yes... It was a nice to have for the Axis on this one. And it added a challenge for me as the Allied planner in that without at least taking down "some" of the radar, there was absolutely no way to get through without being seen.
However, as you mentioned, I still had to hit all my assigned targets. And... I couldn't order a squad to take down radars on the way to their assigned target either. Although, squads did have the option of detaching a plane or two to hit a nearby radar on the way in if they so chose... I just couldnt assign that to them. What I DID do was assign two squads of 3-5 planes each, whose only orders were to takeout radar stations along 2 specific routes.
If I had assigned more squads to do that along a wider front, the strike groups would have been too watered down to be effective.
From a defense standpoint, there shouldnt be anything to keep the defending CiC from doing one or more of the following things:
1) Assign a squad or two to "Patrol Duty". As long as all of the assigned defense areas are covered, there could be squads moving along expected ingress routes to try and catch strike groups before they hit their targets.
2) Assign a squad or two to defend several radar stations... responding as soon as they see one come under attack.
3) As long as there is more than one squad covering each defense target, the CiC could release specific squads to detach and go after the squads attacking the radar stations as needed.
I think with a setup like we had this week, a defending CiC just has to be flexible. Still keeping to the letter of the assignment, but working within it to do what he has to do. I do think the initial attacks on the radars threw off the Axis a little... but as you saw in the logs, the Axis recovered from it very well. A sign that the CiC and the squad CO's adapted to the tactic quickly.
What I am trying to get at... is that this set up was fun, and challenging. But I dont think we should see it that often. Radar wasnt that reliable, or available in every theatre during ww2. We should still see scenarios with no radar at all, or delayed dar bar. But when an option like this is written into the settings, I do agree that there should be more detail as to what each side can do about it.
Wow... I really didnt mean to write that much