Author Topic: Ervin T. Cloyd & what my mother said.....  (Read 562 times)

Offline Zoney

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Ervin T. Cloyd & what my mother said.....
« on: April 01, 2010, 11:54:18 AM »
Part 1:
 :salute Ervin T. Cloyd, WW2 P38 pilot shot down and hidden by local partisans untill he could be returned safely, passed away.  He is survived by a large family, a grandson of his presented me with his pilots wings which I wear everyday in rememberance of him.  No I never met him but I did know his grandson and was priveledged to be allowed to go through a large box of memorabilia chronicalling his time in service.  I was allowed this opportunity because of my interest in WW2 history and aircraft that is a result of playing AW, WB's and now AH.  Thank you for your service Lt. Cloyd, and may you rest in peace sir,  :angel:

Part 2:
 I was less than 10 years old, shopping with my mom and acted up.  My mother walked me out of the store and asked me, "Please don't embarrass me like that again".
I like most of us here am an adult now, I'm 53 years old.  When Lt. Cloyd passed away I wanted to share with his family a little of what we do here.  I believe we honor the memory of those who risked and sometimes sacrificed their lives for us during this "greatest generation" which I truly believe it was.  I would have liked to invite them here to see that the memory of WW2 and those who participated was kept alive, active, and cherished.  
 Look for a moment at what we offer them should they find this place.  Would you be proud of how you conduct yourself?  Can you tell your friends and family about this place without embarrassment?

Gentelmen & Ladies, like anything we do, this game, this place, is what we make it.  Let us consider our actions and show some respect for each other, for the game, for those who brought us the game and for those who actually lived during the time that our game represents.

In conclusion I ask you please, do not embarrass me.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 11:55:56 AM by Zoney »
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Offline kilz

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Re: Ervin T. Cloyd & what my mother said.....
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 02:14:52 PM »
i will  :salute Ervin T. Cloyd for his service and any person that puts their life on the line to protect this great country.

must have been cool to see all those old pictures and medals.

as far as your ending statement we all act diffrently but i know for a fact that damn near this whole community respects people that have served in the arm forces. you not need to tell them how to act.
Former LTARkilz

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Offline gyrene81

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Re: Ervin T. Cloyd & what my mother said.....
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2010, 02:45:10 PM »
as far as your ending statement we all act diffrently but i know for a fact that damn near this whole community respects people that have served in the arm forces. you not need to tell them how to act.
I believe he was talking about general behavior in AH and on these boards...not very respectful as a rule...even to HTC personnel.
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Offline ozrocker

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Re: Ervin T. Cloyd & what my mother said.....
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 07:18:58 AM »
 :salute Mr Cloyd and God Bless!!
Flying and dying since Tour 29
The world is grown so bad. That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch.- Shakespeare
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