Today my team leader had about an hour talk with me about going to Ranger school. He told me hed have high hopes for me if I went that I would get my tab. I just dont know though honestly, Im still not combat deployed and Im still pretty new to the Army. Im a good rucker, I can run well, and my PT is pretty high with only push-ups hurting me at all(score 89 on push-ups/ long arms are killing me).
Personally I dont know if Ill be ready by July to go through the 60-62 days of suck to get it. Can I get some actual accounts from people who have gone through just to know what all happens in those days. I have till Tuesday to make up my mind about it, if I decide to they are going to send me to Pre-Ranger in May to build up.
Heres my info on stuff which I think Ill need there...
-expert shot with M4 and M203
-289 on my last APFT(maxed out sit-ups and run)
-I know about all the weapons systems(max ranges, fire rates)
-I know the battle drills pretty good
Any advice on this will really help me make up my mind........Ranger tab would pretty much set me up for success as a Infantrymen.