Author Topic: New is not always better (Detonator Drivers)  (Read 669 times)

Offline Spatula

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New is not always better (Detonator Drivers)
« on: August 15, 2000, 03:26:00 AM »
I read at work that the new detonator drivers were out and some people had reported up to 30% increase in FPS. Cool, i thought. So i downloaded them and installed them and then (as you do) ran aces high to check the FPS. I got about a 20-30% DECREASE in performance.
My video card is a Diamond Viper 770 (Non-Ultra) TNT2 32 Meg.
So i put the old (current) Diamond drivers back on and got back my 20-30% decrease. So back to normal for me.

My Specs are:
Diamond Viper 770 TNT2 32 Meg
AMD Athlon 650
Assus K7V Slot A Mainboard
128 Meg RAM PC 100
Diamond Monster Sound II (Aureal Vortex II)

Be warned new is not always better.

Overlord Spatula

if you adhere to all the rules you miss out on all the fun

=357th Pony Express=

[This message has been edited by Spatula (edited 08-15-2000).]
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