If a noob may be allowed to voice an opinion:
The brew was the biggest surprise for me in AH. I took one up simply because I was having a crappy day in the arena and thought it might be fun for a few seconds (before I got shot down again). By the end of the day I'd found some interesting things.
1. I could turn inside just about anything. (Not a surprise after I'd read Soda's evaluations).
2. In a low altitude furball i could follow enemy aircraft in climbs and get good shots as they came over the top and dived. I would loose them as they picked up speed, however.
3. The gun package was adequate enough for my purposes.

4. People tended to ignore me in fights, which was a wonderful advantage.
5. I can't catch anything.
I'm also finding that building alt, while still useful, doesn't help me that much because the Brew really doesn't gain much speed in dives and low speed just seems to be where it handles best. So I actually look to get pounced, so I can bring the fight into the low-speed turnfight where the Brew excels. I would never take this bird into a base cap situation, but when you don't have time to build altitude it's a great little plane to fly. The major problem I have is that you have to let the enemy come to you. That said, I got more kills in the Brew then I did flying any other ride.