Author Topic: GROUND THE HO  (Read 953 times)

Offline JHerne

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« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2010, 02:22:14 PM »
I will apologize to Westy. My expectations of people in general are set way too high. Expecting a civilized explanation, or even finding someone else who felt as strongly as about this as I did when I posted it, was probably idealistic.

However, let me clarify things, as this thread and several posters have made some assumptions...

I understand the collision model.
I understand that collisions happen.
I know about convergence and separation.
I might sound like a whining like a noob player, but I'm not. Several years here, several in AW, and CFS and IL-2 before that.

My gripe is about the player who's on fire, or getting bested in a dogfight, who resorts to deliberate ramming. Nothing more.
And yes, I probably should have just shut up in the first place.

If you were engaging a low e A-20 at low level in a high e P-51 (and had all the advantages), what possible reason would you have to deliberately ram said A-20, other than being accidental? Would an average pilot simply attempt to gain a 6 position using a wide array of BFM or ACM? If I'm on fire or seriously hurt, I'm looking for a way out - not who I can take with me in the process.

I stopped coming to these forums because the pretentious, condescending replies and responses that so many people post. Everyone was new once, and everyone has had their share of frustrations. Its too bad, whether this post is whining or made out of genuine frustration, that more people tend to verbally hogpile than offer explanations without tossing in sarcasm, contempt, and cynicism.

So...with that said, lets move on. I regret having ever made this post. But I've read and re-read those of your posts pertaining to the collision model, and those that offered sincere, sound advice. To those people, <S> and thank you.
Skunkworks AvA Researcher and
Primary Cause of Angst

Offline Zygote404

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« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2010, 02:44:27 AM »
There is a high prevalance of squeaky responses on this board.  As for the why would a plane on fire deliberately ram.  I guess cause its on fire and hes about to die so figures he might as well take you out with him with a lucky ram roll of the dice :)