Flying the A8 has definitely been a learning experience. For one thing, I have to appraise the combat situation before I enter it. If I'm outnumbered or if there are a lot of FW's and La's at high altitude I know I'm going to have trouble. Sometimes I wait until the combat has developed a little bit before I ingress. I know I can't outrun the top end planes, but I can execute quick slashing attacks through a furball. I can build up speed, use my roll to take whatever shots I can get as I blow through, then separate a little and loop or high yo-yo back into the fight.
Last night for example, there was a P-47 raid through Bish Land. They had altitude on me as they came in, so I reversed back to the base, staying under them until they dove down on our base. I caught 2 jugs as they were pulling up out of their dives and would have had a third had he not extended away. The A8's firepower absolutely shredded the jugs, and I had enough speed to stay with them as they tried to climb.
In a long, extended fight however, I know I'm not going to last long. The A8 doesn't have the speed to keep up with the high end fighters, and admittedly my skills in the merge and reverse situation are lacking.